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a strong, large, diameter, heavy steel or fiber.rope; something that resembles such steel or fiber rope; a thick strong metal rope used on ships for mooring and anchoring and to support bridges etc (a system of broadcasting television by using cables)
cable, cabled, cabling, cables.verbs
transitive verb use.to supply or fasten with a cable or cables
intransitive verb use.to have a cable fastened

crossbreed, crossbred, crossbreeding, crossbreeds.verbs
transitive verb use.to produce something by amalgamation such as a hybrid.vehicle; the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties or species; hybridize
intransitive verb use.to mate so as to produce a hybrid (there are over 170 different types of apples available, with the most nutritious of them being the crabapple (hybridization has made possible different varieties of many things, but when it comes to food hybridization is preferred over genetic modification by means foreign to the plant); interbreed
an organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds

an image or figure of Emmanuel on the cross; a cross as a symbol of Emmanuel's crucifixion

an upright.post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times (the crucifixion of Emmanuel the Christ); a mark or pattern.formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such a mark (X) used as a signature for those unable to write; in biology, a plant or animal produced by crossbreeding; a hybrid; the process of crossbreeding; hybridization; one that combines the qualities of two other things (a novel that is a cross between romance and satire)
cross, crossed, crossing, crosses.verbs
transitive verb use.to go or extend across; pass from one side of to the other (crossed the backyard to greet us; a bridge that crosses the bay); intersect (Elm Street crosses Oak Avenue); to delete or eliminate by or as if by drawing a line through (crossed tasks off her list as she did them); to make or put a line across (cross your t's when you write a letter); to place crosswise one over the other (cross one's legs); to make the sign of the cross upon or over; to encounter in passing (his path crossed mine)
crossing (a crosswise piece)
intransitive verb use.to lie or pass across each other; intersect; to move or extend from one side to another (crossed through Canada en route to Alaska); to make a crossing (crossed into Germany from Switzerland); to meet in or as if in passing (our letters must have crossed in the mail)
lying or passing crosswise; intersecting (a cross street); annoyed (dad was cross with us because we didn't call when we knew we would be late)
cross the floor.adjective
a parliamentary.term meaning to change over to the other political.party

an ugly, withered old woman; a hag

an evergreen tropical American tree (Theobroma cacao) having leathery, ellipsoid, ten-ribbed fruits borne on the trunks and older branches; also called chocolate tree; the seed of this plant, used in making chocolate, cocoa and cocoa butter, in this sense, also called cacao bean, cocoa bean

a member of the race of people with white or pale skin from which today's Russians have ancestry and such people have spread over the world, such as in the United States, Canada, UK, parts of Western Europe, etc., where many people identify as Caucasian
Caucasus.also called.Caucasia
a region between the Black and Caspian seas, see map of Black Sea and a map of the region inhabited by those who came to Earth long before man, coming to Earth to make and sneak in their genetically modified.mankind ones, trying to outdo the good God who was soon to make humans, but the angels were there first and about a third of them became evil as they knew what God's plan for humans was and what was that?.Hebrews 2:5-8

a negatively.charged.electrode, as of an electrolytic.cell, a storage battery or an electron tube; the positively charged terminal of a primary.cell or a storage battery, such as one would use in a flashlight (usually D size batteries) or in an electronic.device (often AA size batteries) that is supplying current; compare anode
cathode ray.noun,.plural.cathode rays
the high-speed electrons emitted in a stream from the heated cathode of a vacuum tube; a flow of electrons emanating from a cathode in a vacuum tube and focused into a narrow beam

means same as 'encircle' (see on the 'en' prefix); a plane.curve.everywhere.equidistant from a given.fixed point, the center; a planar.region.bounded by a circle; something, such as a ring, shaped like such a plane curve; to form a circle around; surround; to move or go around completely; make a circuit of; a circular.course, circuit or orbit (a satellite's circle around the Earth); a curved section or tier of seats in a theater; a series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle; a group of people sharing an interest, activity or achievement
circle, circled, circling, circles.verbs
transitive verb use.to make or form a circle around; enclose; to move in a circle around
intransitive verb use.to move in a circle

an individual who eats the flesh of other beings; an animal that feeds on others of its own kind; word is from the Spanish Caníbalis, a name recorded by Christopher Columbus of the man eating Carib people of Cuba and Haiti; see similar true story movie Alive

cannibalize, cannibalized, cannibalizing, cannibalizes.transitive verbs
to remove serviceable parts from damaged airplanes, for example, for use in the repair of other equipment of the same kind; to deprive of vital.elements or resources, such as personnel, equipment or funding, for use elsewhere

a center of population, commerce and culture; the inhabitants of a city considered as a group; a town of significant size and importance; in Canada, a municipality of high rank, usually determined by population but varying by province; in Great Britain, a large incorporated town

a small, often.select.group of persons who associate with one another frequently; a circle; a cabal

catchy, catchier, catchiest.adjectives
attractive or appealing (a catchy idea for a new book series); easily remembered (a song with a catchy tune)
catch, caught, catching, catches.verbs
transitive verb use.to capture or seize, such as after a chase; to take by or as if by trapping or snaring; to discover or come upon suddenly, unexpectedly or accidentally (the kids were caught with their hands in the cookie jar); to suddenly become cognizant or aware of (caught her gazing out the window); to take hold of, especially forcibly or suddenly; grasp (caught him by the arm just as he was stepping off the curb); to grab so as to stop the motion of (catch a ball); to reach just in time; take (caught the bus to town; catch a perfect wave for surfing)
the act of catching; a taking and holding; something that catches (the catch on the door locks it); a quantity that is caught (the catch amounted to 50 fish)
catch on.phrasal verb
to comprehend; perceive; to become popular (skateboarding caught on quickly)

a well known word or phrase; a catchy name or slogan

chase, chased, chasing, chases.verbs
transitive verb use.to follow rapidly.in order to catch or overtake; pursue (chased the little fox away from the hens); to persistently seek the favor or company of (still traveling the world chasing sunsets and members of the opposite sex); to put to flight; drive away (chased the fox away); to groove, furrow or channel, as one made in a wall for pipes or ducts as say from a fireplace installation
intransitive verb use.to go or follow in pursuit; to go hurriedly; rush (chased all over the mall looking for us)
the act of chasing; pursuit; chasing quarry; the right to hunt or keep game on the land of others