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M e r c y  F o r g i v e n e s s
p a g e  2

The Creator says that those in power, no matter who they are or how bad they may seem to be.(remember ancient David), are His ministers.(Romans 13:1,6).and that they are to be highly regarded and that He places the humblest of men there.(Isaiah 57:15; 66:2), but also, if they aren't humble, instead being arrogant.tyrannical.idiots, uncaring for people, then it wasn't the true God in heaven of all creation, love and light, who placed them there, but their own mind which was satanically influenced, as they cared not for people by their actions.(Matthew 7:16,20):.Daniel 4:17 ".....to the intent that the living may know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever he will and sets up over it the basest.(original Hebrew is 'humblest').of men."

Numbers 12:1-9 shows not to deride those in positions of power, but rather support them in things of love.(which things are always the way of Creator-God), if indeed you find any expressions of such by them and pray for them

So that a person's heart can be sensed to be appreciative of mercy, a judge and others in power need insight. That comes from knowing the truth regarding righteousness, as this allows more of this thing called the Holy Spirit, the nature of God to be in one:.2Samuel 23:3 ".....He that rules over man must be just.(original Hebrew is 'righteous'), ruling in the fear of God.(realizing that he must seek and try to comprehend as God Himself does:.Philippians 2:5,6)."

Turn off the TV and take time for praying for these men and women. It will benefit the whole country in many wonderful ways. 

The more of God that is in these men that He has placed there, the more everyone will be blessed and the country will reside safely as God will ensure that this high character of concern for others and the people possessing it and affected by it are protected. It is Creator-God's will that high character standards be exposed to all:.John 13:35

One with any part of God's mind, be it mercy, kindness, patience, generosity, forgiveness, wisdom, encouragement, humility, enthusiasm and even humor and lightheartedness, will be lifted up by God as an example others can see to emulate. It is just set up automatically to work this way. God.wants us to exhibit high standards.

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."....Einstein