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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  2 1

And it does win! It was designed to by a brilliant intelligence, one whose creation never fails

In providing the cell with its 'food' through these intermediary steps, each step calls on various enzymes in order to produce the end result, that of life itself. And these are relatively simple systems compared to what you'll read if you carry on to the blood, immune system, etc. 
   Metabolic pathways where intermediates are not useful, present severe challenges to a Darwinian scheme of evolution. 

Contrasting the 'religious' fervor and deceitfulness of some modern day evolutionary devotees, who have hijacked Darwin's theory to hinge their conjectural.idiocies, whose thinking processes also unfortunately have spilled over to others with sinister motives, Darwin, considering the science available in his day, at least exhibited commonsense and honesty

Darwin:."If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.".And that has occurred.

"Natural Selection.entails.divergence of character and the extinction of less improved forms."....Charles Darwin.

Darwin, in a private letter to J.D. Dana."I know that you are not a believer in the doctrine of single points of creation.(also, here).in which doctrine I am strongly inclined to believe...It is my intention to give fully all the facts in favor of the eternal immutability of species and I have taken as much pain to collect them as I possibly could do. But what my work will turn out, I know not; but I do know I have worked hard and honestly at my subject."....page 160,.Charles Darwin Letters, 1825-1859, edited by Frederick Burkhardt, 1996, Cambridge University Press, London.

Unlike many religiously fanatical evolutionists today who use evolution as a wand to wave over mysteries they avoid delving into, while simultaneously claiming the opposite, Darwin remained as open minded toward new concepts as many of the professional scientists you will soon read about here. For that Darwin is to be commended. He was always most respectful of his wife and their Christian friends.

Too bad those who hijacked Darwin's writings to purport their own agenda, lacked the sincerity Darwin evidenced.

I agree with Darwin: If a theory claims to be able to explain some phenomena, but does not generate even an attempt at an explanation, it should be banished! Unless it can be shown in the professional scientific literature, detailed models by which biochemical systems.(blood, immune system, nervous systems, cells, etc.).could have been produced by other than immediate creation, the teaching of evolution is totally unfounded. Perhaps it could have value in being read as a story to chimpanzees along with its psychological equivalent,.The Rocking Horse Winner.

"His theory had, in essence, preceded his knowledge, that is, he had hit upon a novel and evocative theory of evolution with limited knowledge at hand to satisfy either himself or others that the theory was true. He could neither accept it himself nor prove it to others. He simply did not know enough concerning the several natural history fields upon which his theory would have to be based."....Dr. Barry Gale, Science Historian, Darwin College, UK, in his book,.Evolution Without Evidence. As quoted in John Lofton's Journal,.The Washington Times, February 8, 1984. 

It's so strange! The success of Darwinism as orthodoxy to some evolutionists gives credence to how all of us acquire the concepts we have accepted as being valid.

Can we apply Darwin's theory conceptually? Of course. Will his theory fit the bicycle analogy? Yes. Can we apply it to complex biological processes? Absolutely not at all! What good is his theory then to explain life's origin? It shows how he thought and it's an interesting imaginative story. And that's about all!

Perhaps there is some yet unknown process that may prove evolution true, is like saying that somehow natural processes can explain computers.

The part of Darwin's theory that hold's the most promise was his belief in knocking off the work day at noon! 

The body relies upon many complex systems in its functioning. If these were to arise somehow by evolution, the theory must also consider a system's level of performance, which it doesn't. The theory of evolution proves highly inadequate in the light of detailed examination of irreducibly complex fully functioning organisms.(any living thing; anything resembling a living thing in its complexity of structure or functions). For example; performance of a system must be adequate if it is to survive and flourish.

If you were hungry, thirsty and alone in the middle of a desert, and you came across a vehicle and it started and the tires were good and all seemed to work, your hopes would be short lived if the level of performance of the vehicle was such that only under full power could a distance equal to about the vehicle length be achieved daily. The system Creator-God designed works optimally.

Organized complexity doesn't need any explanation; it is what it is observed to be, complex biological design

Evolution attempts at constructive realism, but its position in the domain of quasi.behavioral science, has been relegated.to that of pseudo scientific jargon, by the conclusive fact of intelligent design.(as one can soon see here).and can be likened to ancient cartographers early maps, whose validity.depends upon where you stand and what use you want from the map.

Modern 'educated', or shall we say, indoctrinated, or perhaps better, propagandized evolutionists, if they are to use Darwin's theory, should at least show forth some intelligence and consider emulating his character qualities of sincerity and honesty, prior to espousing his theory.
