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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  9 0

What Rose appears to miss is that the Creator's logic is so far above the logic of ordinary man, that when comparing, it's humorous:.Psalms 2:2-5; 59:8. Is it the attempt of some evolutionists to discourage belief in God? Jeremiah 20:8,9.

A microbe that eats rust and thrives in the equivalent of battery acid lives best in a ph environment of .05, a thousand times more acidic than the gastric juices in our stomachs.

"Living in extreme conditions such as hot volcanic sulfur at the ocean's bottom, Feroplasma acidarmanus (family Archaea) gives off sulphuric acid and if water laden with them is splashed on your skin, you'll suffer burns."....Katrina J. Edwards, geomicrobiologist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ... source,.Calgary Herald, March 11, 2000.

Clouds:.Looking at clouds from an airplane shows they all have the same level of irregularity no matter what the size. The billows and whorls look much the same. They have definite patterns.

Mud and Rocks:.Cracks formed in dried mud or from stresses that acted upon rocks have a distinct pattern; that of the cracks meeting at right angles. The principles that govern this always relieve the stress with the shortest possible set of cracks. Right angle crack formation means that they were formed sequentially, rather than all at once. Everywhere we look we see design, evidence of an intelligent invisible designer.

Acquired traits:.A genetic means of passing on learned traits is not possible. Admittedly it would make for a slicker high velocity type of evolutionary theory than Darwin's blindfolded selection of random variations. Evolutionists would love to find a type of mutation that would make genes responsive to learning changes.(phenotype). There is one and they missed it, because they leave the power of the mind out, concentrating instead on just the physical. This is their big mistake.

Molecular pathways just do not exist for such an evolutionary mechanism. Even though cellular feedback systems do exist, such as retroviruses copying information from RNA back into DNA. But it ends there. Again God confounds us! Creator-God has His reasons for doing what He does the way He does and we have yet to understand this particular 'dead end alley'.

Neptune:."The similarities between the many rings around Saturn suggest that all planetary rings should be broad, flat and relatively featureless. However, the most distant of Neptune's rings breaks the mold.

"Astronomers have known for years that the Adam's Ring contains 'ring arcs' that remain intact while circling Neptune every 10.5 hours.

"Without any mechanisms to confine them, we would expect the arcs to spread out in a matter of months, but they don't spread out...there is something going on there.", says Chris Dumas, an astronomer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California." ...Astronomy, January 2000, page 34. And what's going on there is part of the hologram.
   Such are the confounding ways of the Creator.

Darwin's Life:.Charles Robert Darwin, 1809-1882.

Darwin's purpose was not to utilize evolution in any promotion of atheism, as those who've hijacked his work have done. Darwin, unlike some evolutionists today who deal in 'phrauds', exhibited humility and honesty in many of his letters.

Darwin was a firm believer in the Bible as a youth. He gradually lost his faith, yet unlike many self-deluded.arrogant.egotists today, Darwin was always very respectful and tolerant when it came to conversation involving views of his Christian friends.

Darwin had a kindness about him evidenced in his appreciation of nature; "The whale is one of the most wonderful animals in the world."....Charles Darwin.

Darwin didn't hold an impression that science possessed an inability to conform to the Creator. He simply developed views that the existence of God would be difficult to corroborate by scientific inquiry by using methods available in his time. That may have been true in his day, but not today!

Today the existence of the Creator is readily evident, the Bible proved to be His word and why we are on this Earth is clearly relevant.

His wife remained faithful to Christian principles all her life and he deeply loved her. 

Emma, his wife, before they were married, wrote to Charles beseeching him to give up his habit of 'believing nothing until it is proved'. Darwin called it a."beautiful letter".and wrote on its envelope."When I am dead, know how many times I have kissed and cried over this."....Charles Darwin.1995, a biography by Janet Browne, Princeton University Press, ISBN: 0691026068.

Many like Thomas Huxley.espousing evolution since Darwin's time, have championed the negative parts of Darwin's confusion, conveniently expurgating anything which may hinder wider social acceptance of licentious lifestyles.(*).

Darwin, unlike them, exhibited humility and honesty in many of his letters..

In this 1860 correspondence to Asa Gray, a botanist.(one who studies plants), Darwin says...
