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M i r a c l e s  o f  E m m a n u e l
S c r i p t u r e  N o t e s

-Lost sheep of the house of Israel: Of the people of Israel, who were divided into tribes, but all those tribes came from one family. Christ's mission was to those true ones of the tribe of Judah.(John 4:22).and when he sent his disciples out with the gospel message to all nations.(Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47), it was to go first to the Jews:.Romans 2:9; Acts 13:46.

Paul later talks about this:.Romans 1:16; 2:10. Paul's mission later after his personal training by the resurrected Christ, was to the Gentiles:.Acts 13:46-48.

Under the first commission his apostles were directed to go only to those of Judah.(Matthew 10:6 "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."). It would be impossible to evangelize the Gentiles without setting aside the Jewish customs, the law of Moses, and arousing the bitterest prejudice of the Jews. Hence it was the divine plan that the Son should keep the law blameless during his ministry. It was only when the Jews crucified him that 'the handwriting of ordinances was nailed to the cross'.(Colossians 2:14), the 'wall of partition'.(Ephesians 2:14).between Jews and Gentiles broken down and all prepared for the Great Commission which bade his disciples "go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature".
