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M a c r o b i o t i c s  a n d  H e a l t h
p a g e  3

It is unfortunate modern medicine is encumbered with dealing with effects of disease to the point little time, money, manpower and incentive remains for thorough examination of causes behind disease. Modern medicine knows nothing about the invisible informational component of any disease as it only deals with what it can measure and that poorly.

Spiritually developed people can heal. Emmanuel did: Matthew 8:16. See Healing subject for more.

In the stories that follow one can see that getting the body back into harmony allows it to throw off disease. Contrast the incredulous approach of medical 'science'. Decade upon decade billions of dollars are spent on research. What are the results? More disease and sickness. Hello! Anybody thinking out there?

The medical profession doesn't realize that they've been tricked by the greatest tricker of all time and most who teach students in becoming doctors, miss the secret this qualified doctor brings out. See his video How Not To Die and you'll hear him talk about it.

"Kushi Institute teachers showed me how cancer did not have to be a death sentence. 2008 is my seventeenth year cancer free since I was told by my doctor there was no cure from my stage 4 metastatic non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Macrobiotics also relieved my husband Larry from bursitis and tendonitis. Along with healing, there are countless ways macrobiotics has made both our lives more meaningful, enjoyable and fulfilling. We will always be grateful to Kushi Institute."....Judy Mac Kenney

MORE recovery stories

Get well with Shiatsu. Find a Shiatsu practitioner in your area.
ADD.(Attention Deficit Disorder; see all-natural.com/add.html).also called ADHD.(add the word 'Hyperactivity'), food colorings and fluorescent lighting, and vaccines;
the effect on vision; but maybe it's not that at all, Maybe it is simply this, but if you're considering Ritalin (more addictive than cocaine and leads to suicide).

Ritalin Free Kids, autism, asthma

Dr John Ott, Ph.D., pioneer of full spectrum lighting
(type 'Ott Lite' into a search engine)

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A man walks into the doctor's office. He has a cucumber up his nose,
a carrot in his left ear and some broccoli in his right ear.
"What's the matter with me?", he asked.
"You're not eating properly" replied the doctor.