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Interlinked Dictionary based on
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary (m-w.com)
and Star Dictionary
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free will; determination of one's course of action or lack of, without compulsion; freedom of the people in an area to determine their own political.status and also having control of those elected so as the people's will is properly.represented in all matters of concern; independence

a tall tower forming the superstructure of a building, such as a church or temple and usually surmounted by a spire; the spire itself spire; from Middle English and Old English 'stepel'

one who builds or maintains very high structures, such as steeples

a top part or point that tapers upward; a pinnacle; a structure or formation, such as a steeple, that tapers to a point at the top; a slender, tapering part, such as a newly sprouting blade of grass. spire, spired, spiring, spires.verbs
transitive verb use.to furnish with a spire
intransitive verb use.to rise and taper steeply; from Middle English which is from from Old English 'spir'

a single turn of a spiral; a whorl; from Latin 'spira' and from Greek 'speira' meaning 'coil'

strikingly.conspicuous; prominent; in resonance with; noticeable; projecting or jutting beyond a line or surface; protruding
a projecting angle or part

a tenant.farmer who gives a share of the crops raised to the landlord in lieu of.rent

a small show.offered.in addition to the main.attraction, as at a circus or exhibition; a diversion or spectacle that is incidental to a larger set of circumstances or a bigger.issue of concern

a simile is a description of something that is like something else when compared to it; a simile is a figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by 'like' or 'as', as in 'she runs like a deer' and 'he's as white as a ghost' or 'a turtle is slower than molasses in winter' and."So are you to my thoughts as food to life."....Shakespeare

sink in.phrasal verb
when a statement or fact sinks in, you finally.comprehendit or realize it fully; to become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions; register; grasp; pass through (water permeates sand easily)

the exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent (go to the store and buy a bag of organic apples); the act of selling (the kids were in the yard selling lemonade to those walking by); an instance of selling; availability for purchase (a store where bikes are for sale); a selling of property to the highest bidder, such as an auction does; gross receipts (how much have we done in sales this week?)
sales pitch.noun,.plural.sales pitches
a salesman or saleswoman's sales pitch is what they say in order to persuade someone to buy something from them; promotion by means of a course of reasoning and demonstration (this blender does not overheat the ingredients, so it doesn't destroy the nutrition)
sell, sells, sold, selling.verbs
transitive verb use.to exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; to offer for sale (we had a garage sale and sold a bunch of stuff); to give up or surrender in exchange for a price or reward (sell one's soul to the devil by choosing the selfish dark side of life)
intransitive verb use.to exchange ownership for money or its equivalent; engage in selling; to be sold or be on sale (grapes are selling high this season)
offered or suitable for sale; marketable
the activity of selling
sellable also saleable.adjective
sell off.phrasal verb
to get rid of by selling, often at reduced prices
sell out.phrasal verb
to put all of one's goods or possessions up for sale (he sold out to the dark side)
sell a bill of goods.idiom
to take unfair advantage of
sold down the river.idiom
to betray the trust or faith of
sell short.idiom
to contract for the sale of securities or commodities one expects to own at a later date and at more advantageous terms; to underestimate the true value or worth of

a condition in which the white of the eye is visible below the iris as well as on either side, indicating poor health and mental state, such as indicating a psychopath and a sociopath, a psychopath having a worse condition, shows white all around the iris; typical of those with mankind genes; both conditions can be remedied by giving one's life to Christ in God and adopting a macrobiotic lifestyle helps; sanpaku is a Japanese word from 'san' meaning 'three' and from 'haku' meaning 'white'; advanced sanpaku or psychopathic plus, shows white all around the iris and eyes that bulge out

in law, a writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony; A subpoena is a legal.document telling someone that they must attend a court of law and give evidence as a witness (example of such a court case)
subpoena, subpoenaed, subpoenaing, subpoenas.transitive verbs
to serve or summon with such a writ; from Middle English 'suppena' from Medieval Latin 'sub poena', meaning 'under a penalty', from Latin 'sub' meaning 'under' and 'poena' meaning 'penalty'

partially melted snow or ice; soft mud; slop; mire
slush, slushed, slushing, slushes.verbs
transitive verb use.to splash or soak with slush or mud
intransitive verb use.to walk or proceed through slush; to make a splashing or slushy sound; akin to Scandinavian Norwegian 'slask' meaning 'sloppy weather'

strum, strummed, strumming, strums.verbs
transitive verb use.to play a stringed musical instrument by stroking or brushing the strings (strum a banjo); to produce music on a stringed instrument in this way (she strummed the guitar)
intransitive verb use.to play a stringed instrument by strumming
the act or sound of strumming

contracting the tissues or blood vessels; astringent; tending to check bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels; hemostatic
a styptic drug or substance (a styptic pen one can carry)

a chemical.reaction in which an ester is heated with an alkali, such as the alkaline hydrolysis of a fat or oil to make soap, such as you bath with

sing, sings, sang, sung, singing.verbs
intransitive verb use.in music, to utter a series of words or sounds in musical.tones; when you sing, you make musical sounds with your voice, usually producing words that fit a tune; to make melodious sounds (birds singing outside the window)
transitive verb use.in music, to produce the musical sound of (sang a love song; sang the baby to sleep)
a gathering of people for group singing
suitable for singing

Old Spanish.noun
Spanish before the middle of the 16th century