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-James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

How are we to resist the devil and what about where it says to not resist evil?

Avoid dark side leanings, is one way to resist. 

Remember, all, absolutely everything in the multiverse is frequency, including of course, the dark side. It's their use of negative frequencies during all the time since they became what is known as 'the dark side' and the cabal, that produced the world of depression, deceit, greed, hate, selfishness and all that those sort of things have brought into our world. What things?

The original in James 4:7 for the word.'resist'.is.'to be set against', 'to be opposed to', 'to be in opposition to the way of'..Zechariah 3:1. That is, you want nothing to do with the things of evil and those engaged.therein:.Romans 13:12; 2Corinthians 6:17; Ephesians 5:11; 6:11.

The original in James 4:7 for the word."submit".is "to set yourself under", to stand under.

And what about.Matthew 5:39 where it says to."resist not evil"? Does this mean we're not to resist an enemy that wants to do harm to us and others? NO! NO! NO!

There are two kinds of war, a selfish one and a righteous one.

In one's own life we push hard for good because where good is evil is not and where there is light, there is no darkness:.Matthew 6:23 "But if your eye be evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

So then how do we deal with this enemy out to destroy us? And what if your enemy is much stronger? No problem! Nothing is more powerful as meditation and praise. In meditation you see, you imagine, the way you want life to be for you and others, instead of willy-nilly just letting life happen to you and everyone else:.1Corinthians 10:10

And the true God responds today as in the past:.Deuteronomy 7:17-26; 1Samuel 17:26. God's plan was finished from the beginning.(*).before humans were made to be in it:.Genesis 1:27; 2:1.

This is the true God expressing as you for the things that are good both you and God want for all. But because we have free choice always, God only does for you and others what God.(*).can do through you, such as...:.John 10:10 "The thief comes not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they'll have life more abundantly.".Give yourself into God's hands and keep yourself there by using these disciplines.

To get from God what he has already given to you, as it was all finished from the beginning, requires praise, a thanking God for what he has done, example 'Thank you God for providing health and prosperity for me and those in my family'. This praise and thanking God brings what is in the invisible realm for you, out into the physical world you are now in, so you you can enjoy it. Your life becomes better!

Your job is to bring more of God into the world. You're here to make it better and get a better reward or do nothing and your reward will match what you've already done with your life.(*).

Be alert to the evil:.Jeremiah 16:12; 1Thessalonians 5:6,8; 1Peter 5:8. Always be on the qui vive..1Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto you are also called and have professed that good profession before many witnesses.".Timothy and Paul too, were excellent examples of faithfulness to what they accepted as true.

1Peter 5:8,9.

Well then, why doesn't God just do it all? He won't override you. You're in this too and you always have free choice. Why do you think you are here? If you don't want peace, prosperity for all and good times, then, as the ancients who kicked God out of their selfish lives, you too will reap that which you sow:.Jeremiah 44:16,17.

As it was for David against Goliath.(1Samuel 17:21-26,34-58).and as it was for Hezekiah against the powerful Assyrian army, so it will be for you. And as it was with Gideon.(the story of Gideon and how he won the battle).and as it was for Joshua.(Joshua 6:1-27).so too it will be for you:.Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8; *).

Romans 14:23 "...For whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."

Sin is 'missing the mark'. In this case, of what? Missing the mark of complete trust in this Great Infinite One. One could have complete trust that God is guiding him to protect the country from oppressors, such as enemies that threaten the way of life good people deserve, deserve because they are good. In that case, one doesn't 'lie down' allowing your enemies to stomp all over you. If one's mission is to protect and provide a safe productive world for all, it's then a mission of love.

Emmanuel said:.John 18:36 "Emmanuel answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now is my kingdom not from hence."

But what about today? The kingdom Emmanuel spoke of was the kingdom within. And now that kingdom within is on the physical Earth, within those who have it, within those doing good:.Romans 13:10.

This is the time of the kingdom of God on Earth. It's a kingdom that God is bringing about through those who believe it to be so, for why would those not believing it to be so even be interested? It's time to eliminate evil once and for all.

God is more than fully able to bring about good on the Earth, which is happening now. Those of that same mind have the true God on their side and need not worry over the 'darts' of evil those on the side of the devil may use:.Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you are able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."

Belief is different for everyone; God does not want clones. Nor will God hold your own particular beliefs against you:.Romans 8:1,2 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Emmanuel, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Emmanuel has made me free from the law of sin and death."

"Coexistence on this tightly knit Earth should be viewed as an existence not only without wars, but also without (the government) telling us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know and what not to know."....Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, from a speech given September 11, 1973. Author of.The Gulag Archipelago.and numerous other books.

In James it's talking of not giving place to the devil:.Ephesians 4:27. Be alert:.Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 1Peter 5:8,9 "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary.the devil as a roaring lion, walks about.(Job 2:2), seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist stedfast with faith.(original is 'whom resist {with} stedfast faith'), knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are also out there in the world."

How can one know the difference? One comes from outside of you to affect you and the other from your own mind having been led astray

The 'resist' in James 4:7 is resisting yourself going toward ways taking you from the good God wants you to have. The 'resist not' in Matthew 5:39 is talking about ways of society that are bringing evils into the world. You deal with your attitude with God's help. And, it's God that deals with the attitudes of evil in society, which are there so humanity can clearly see the ways of evil as compared to the ways of God:.Deuteronomy 30:15

God doesn't override anyone's mind. They can freely select which way they have learned about. In this their true character is shown to both them and others.

The devil is the bad God, always out waiting for you to open the door by your attitude.(*), so negative things that can harm you and/or others, can be pumped into your mind. How bad are those influenced by the devil?

Our bodies follow what it is that is in the mind, that is, we all think before we act. We may think the actions would be good for us and if not, then we avoid those actions. So knowledge is important in decisions. 

In Matthew, Emmanuel is saying not to resist evil, that is, the evil things that come along to afflict a person, to try them, to sharpen them, to make them better, so one's reward will be greater:.Romans 8:28; 1Peter 4:12.

God is dealing with the evil, so you don't have to, so Emmanuel tells us not to resist evil, as it has its purpose, but as said earlier, you should not be ignorant of evil or you could get sucked into it:.2Corinthians 2:11 "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices."

Know what's going on out there, that is, what is evil:.1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist stedfast with faith.(original is 'whom resist {with} stedfast faith'), knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are also out there in the world."

-Hebrews 5:8 What does it mean."He learned obedience"?

The root original of the word."obedience".means."to listen, to respond, to harken". And such is true of us all. We learn as we live through the sufferings of life.

Obedience is coming to see that one way leads you to where it's harmful and the other way, to a better life. Daily we are choosing what takes us down one road or another by making decisions on what we do or don't do. Choose the highest and best you know and continue to learn.

-Ezekiel 18:30-32 If God is responsible for our salvation, why then does He tell us here to change, as though we had power ourselves to do this?

The Creator is responsible for calling us to an awakening, saving us. But, He also has to provide the correct direction to Him or we wouldn't know that the true path to the real God even exists. One can't choose from what he is unaware of. God not only is supernatural and all powerful, but He is also practical and logical. Once we decide upon sonething, God does His work, because Creator-God never overrides anyone.

-Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27 Did these people here see the Kingdom of God?

Yes! But some Christians then believed otherwise.

-John 8:52.What did Emmanuel mean when He said."some wouldn't taste of death"? And, does this mean if a Christian we don't die?

What we call death, the Infinite One calls sleeping.(John 11:10-13; 1Thessalonians 5:10; 4:14; 1Corinthians 15:6,51; 11:30; Acts 13:36); sleeping, awaiting a resurrection. So get busy and resurrect some people out of their sleep.

-Matthew 5:25 Is this saying that we should at all costs not go to court with our adversary?

Notice the verse says that you may get cast into prison. This is a serious crime talked about here, one that may get an individual put away for his or her belligerence.

Emmanuel means that we should avoid making adversaries in the first place. Be agreeable as much as you possibly can:.Matthew 5:38-48; Romans 12:18.

Should we not go to court over an injustice to us? Perhaps. Paul wrote:.1Corinthians 6:1-8.

If it's a dispute with another Christian.(a true one), one should try to solve it between you and him alone without going to court and if necessary, with other Christians there to help with the problem, by allowing them to decide what's the best course of action.

If it's with some other adversary and it would be injustice to allow yourself to be defrauded by settling out of court, perhaps wiping out all you have to the point where it may hurt others relying upon you, such as family and/or children who rely upon you, then, if you are sure you are in the right, go for it! 

The courts today are for the most part, different than the unfair and influenced ones back in Emmanuel's days. Emmanuel was giving advice to help one live a happier, freer life. 

If you think that courts are unfair where you live, perhaps you should come to North America, the United Kingdom or certain parts of Europe where the nation's founding principles are based upon Christian principles out of the.Holy Bible. Depending upon area, these principles continue to be foundational principles of modern law. But cabal controlled courts, watch out for. Many are not just corrupt, but severely so.

-Romans 11:11 Why does God provoke others to jealousy?

The word."jealousy".here means to 'burn with zeal', in other words 'to get off your butt and get going' in life. 

Paul here was hot for the truth and as the context shows, it was in his mind to awaken others to the truth of their existence, to awaken them to the reason they are on the Earth.

-Romans 11:28 What's this scripture talking about?

The.Peoples New Testament Notes.states "Their.(the ancient nation of Israel).rejection of the gospel had proved a blessing to the Gentile world:.Romans 11:11. Hence their enmity was allowed for the sake of the conversion of the Gentiles. The nation.(Israel).was a chosen nation. Though enemies of God, God still remembered that they were children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and did not cast them off forever, but remembered them in love..."

"Think not much of those faithful who praise all your words and actions,
but those who kindly reprove your faults."
...Socrates, philosopher