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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  1 0 6

A new set of sophisticated.mathematics called.Topology, is being used to study the properties of geometric designs. Topology.is the study of features that remain unchanged if something is distorted temporarily by stretching, bending, twisting, etc. Continuity is a property of nature and topology is a mathematical tool to understand the design coming from the Great Mind that created those properties.

Quantum Computers:.How many quantum.computers does your body have? One, your brain? No. A hundred? How about a thousand? No. Several hundred million and with trillions of connections? Yes! And they are far more complex than the supercomputers man designs, even the new ones that are built in the invisible first. This is the Creator's way of doing it. Man's way is to fashion from what is already here and visible to us.

The body's computers congregate around your one hundred trillion cells and DNA, to reorganize molecules. And they do this reorganization remarkably and most effectively. And you may not have known that this was going on inside you. So much automatically goes on to sustain us, so we can not be at all concerned with it, so that we can live the reason we are here, if we even ever get into it.

What is it that puts together our most important proteins? Our DNA? No. Massive computing power! Hundreds of millions of computers more complex than any of man's computers today. How much more complex?

Comprised from 'Life Force', an article in.New Scientist.(newscientist.com), April 15, 2000: Mathematician Lou Grover, IBM Research Division, showed that a quantum computer can search a database far faster than any common computer today.(today's common computers use combinations of 0's and 1's to do all that a computer can do). The time saved is huge. It begins with all the different items in a database being stacked and then Grover feels modification occurs to the particular one called for by making it more noticeable in comparison to all the others. 

But for modification, location must first be found, so it doesn't quite exactly work that way. 

Grover's mathematics gives a correct exact formula for the search criterial number of quantum.(that which can be counted, measured, a quantity).attempts: The letter 'Q' being used to designate a function used to locate one item in the database 'N'. Grover states that if N = 4.(being 4 possible selections), then Q = 1.(one search effort).."In other words a quantum computer can distinguish between four distinct possibilities with just one attempt. The quantum search scheme...if true, is another instance where nature first figured out how to do things better than us."....Lou Grover. 
   But there is more.

In our bodies, the computers are faster than Grover imagined, as 'Q' can be exponential, seeking out specific 'colors' any particular nano particle.(database item).might have. And really, not even having to 'seek' them, as it 'knows' exactly where to go because of the frequency it senses and can follow directly to source; just like you can follow your nose to turn the corner and go down the street to that good coffee shop or follow some particular sounds in the campsite out of all the other radios playing, in order to get to the party with the rock music a mile away. Just as you recognize what is is you are seeking, so it is with 'Q'.

Biochemistry pulls off quantum computations heretofore unimaginable. In this way the body's biological quantum computers easily distinguish between all possibilities, not just the four bases along each of the DNA spirals that research is now being done on to pattern new computing power available for some and maybe soon for the public.

The Creator has already figured out the greatest problem a computer manufacturer now faces, that of; the need to isolate all the working parts from external disturbances, as almost any interference will fracture the fragile quantum.dynamics. The Creator does it with organic substances, all supported from the invisible information field, that those as Grabovoi are able to use to interact computers with.

We, so far, have to mostly work with inorganic materials of gold, copper, plastics, etc. Perhaps we will have to be content with our limitations. The problems are immensely difficult once you begin to think of solving them. One would himself have to be God in order to do it I think. But the principles of His creation can be applied inorganically to build better, faster computers though.

It is not just a case of isolation from interference as is now being tackled. It's a case of selectivity, so that any interference which may be present isn't noticed by the current system search; the ear and the frequencies it is attuned to being a pointer in the right direction. We don't hear all the frequencies that are out there. We don't even hear all that a dog does. But we do hear what's relevant for our immediate concern, or what may be of interest right now that we are searching for.

Quartz and other minerals possess different vibrational properties. The quartz is quartz because of its peculiar properties. Likewise, the others. Got 26 of them? One for each letter of alphabetical database storage used as a marker or 'door' to that database storage area. And so on. The information behind the door accessible due to recognition of variances; i.e., we can understand the color yellow has many hues and sound has many qualities, humans are all human beings but distinguishable from each other. Computers are like us in that they recognize patterns. 
