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Original Words Notes List

O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  R

-religion: Attention to that which consists of ceremonies and various forms of discipline done out of fear and/or reverence for God. The word 'religion' comes from a root meaning 'to bind'. More

-repentance: Means 'to change the mind'; to decide differently, the emotional part of repentance being an appreciation of forgiveness, one of the high consciousness things, consequently.inspiring a change of mind affecting the heart. Affecting it how?

Repentance means that we give up the 'laws' we have made and/or accepted for ourselves that keep us bound at the ego level, the laws that we use in our relationships with one another and replace them with pure service involving love, compassion, etc.

Repentance, or the willingness to become like the Infinite's nature is, which is loving, is a gift from the Infinite
   See 'asking for forgiveness'. See 'fruits of repentance'.

-riot: the fundamental idea of the original base as used in Titus 1:6 is 'wastefulness and riotous excess, lawless insolence and wanton.caprice, reckless and extravagant expenditure, chiefly for the gratification of one's sensual desires'.

It denotes a dissolute, profligate course of life. There is included the idea of profligacy, often of lasciviousness, but the fundamental thought is the acknowledging of no restraints, the insolent doing of whatever one's caprice may suggest.
