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-Romans 10:3.How is one to."submit unto the righteousness of God"?

-Psalms 4:5 What does it mean to offer the sacrifices of righteousness?

Take time to think about.(that is what worship is, a giving attention to God).what it took to make you righteous as this subject has explained. In that way, we are sacrificing what usually occupies our minds, daily concerns, attitude imperfections, etc.:.1Thessalonians 3:13.

-Jude 1:4.sounds like God had planned for this to happen?

It is talking of those back then who were telling others a deadly mix of grace and law; things like "if you have the grace of God, you are then able to keep the commandments and be right with God" and, "if you fail, ask for forgiveness and get right again with God". Sounds plausible to those in ignorance of the larger picture. 

You are already forgiven once you know that you are and know that sin therefore no longer counts. Our actions should elicit our beliefs. And what about repentance?.Hebrews 6:1

Lasciviousness, or the 'license to do wrong', comes about as a result of those who lead you to believe that you need to relate to God through the righteousness of something else other than the gift of righteousness.(Romans 5:17).Emmanuel Christ made possible:.Acts 4:12; 2Corinthians 5:21. For example: A self imposed regulation such as the commandments, not the righteousness of faith:.Romans 4:13; 3:21

Relating to God through what you believe regarding rules and regulations, produces sin, which is missing the mark of the high calling:.Philippians 3:14; 1Corinthians 15:56; Romans 14:23.
