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Interlinked Dictionary based on
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stalks of threshed grain, used as bedding and food for animals, for thatching, and for weaving or braiding, as into baskets; a single stalk of threshed grain; something, such as a hat or basket, made of straw; a slender.tube.used.for.sucking up a liquid
of, relating.to.or.made of straw (a straw broom); containing or used for straw, as a barn; of the color of straw, yellowish; having little or no value or substance; unimportant. 5. Of, relating to, or constituting a straw man

a section of grass covered surface.soil held together by matted roots; turf; the ground, when covered with live grass
sod, sodded, sodding, sods.transitive verbs
to cover with sod

a weapon.consisting of a long shaft with a sharply pointed end; a harpoon, which is a shaft with a sharp point and barbs for spearing fish
spear, speared, spearing, spears.verbs
transitive verb use.to pierce with or as if with a spear
intransitive verb use.to stab at something with or as if with a spear

if someone spearheads some action, endeavor or movement, they lead it (Paul Stamets is spearheading research into the amazing effects on health certain mushrooms have); the driving force in a given action, endeavor or movement; the sharpened head of a spear
spearhead, spearheaded, spearheading, spearheads.transitive verbs
to be the leader of (he was spearheading NASA's {National Aeronautics and Space Administration} efforts for a mission in space Mars)

spear.noun,.plural.spear.word is an alteration of 'spire'
a slender.stalk, as of the vegetable asparagus (go to the farmer's market and get some asparagus spears for dinner)
spear, speared, spearing, spears.intransitive verbs
to sprout like a spear (your boy has really speared up since we last visited you)

a long upholstered seat usually with a back and arms; a chesterfield

the back of the neck; the nape (momma cats always lift up their baby kittens by the scruff of the neck)

scruffy, scruffier, scruffiest.adjectives
shabby; untidy

scaly or shredded dry skin, such as dandruff; a loose, scaly crustcoating a surface, especially of a plant

the skin covering the top of the human head; a portion of this skin with its attached hair; a quick.profit made by buying and reselling.something, such as tickets to some concert or sporting event
scalp, scalped, scalping, scalps.verbs
transitive verb use.to cut or tear the scalp from; to deprive of top growth or a top layer (land scalped by strip miners); to resell at a price higher than the established.value (scalping tickets to a popular sports event); to buy and sell securities or commodities in order to make quick profits
intransitive verb use.to engage in the reselling of something, such as tickets, at a price higher than the established value; to buy and sell securities or commodities for small, quick profits

having control over one's emotions; calm; levelheaded; self-possessed; date of word origination is 1838

located on or above the kidney

sag, sagged, sagging, sags.verbs
intransitive verb use.to sink, droop or settle from pressure or weight (older horses usually begin to sag in the middle); to lose vigor, firmness or resilience (her spirits sagged after she had been rejected for the job); to decline, as in value or price (new car prices sag when people aren't buying as they used to)
transitive verb use.to cause to sag
the act or an instance of sagging; the degree or extent to which something sags; a sagging area; a depression

slump, slumped, slumping, slumps.intransitive verbs
to fall or sink heavily; collapse (she slumped, exhausted, onto the sofa; the driver stopped on a side road and slumped over the steering wheel to sleep); to droop, to sag; as in sitting or standing; slouch; to decline.suddenly; fall off (business slumped after the holidays); to slide down or spread out thickly, as mud or fresh concrete
the act or an instance of slumping; a drooping or slouching posture (read defeat in the slump of his shoulders); a sudden falling off or decline, as in activity, prices or business (a stock market slump; a slump in farm prices); an extended period of poor performance (his school marks are usually good, but he's in some kind of a slump this last while)

smirk, smirked, smirking, smirks.intransitive verbs
to smile in an affected, often.self-satisfied.manner
an affected, often offensively self-satisfied smile

Smithsonian Institution
a U.S. Inc. research institution, enabled by the bequest of the English chemist James Smithson, 1765–1829, it was established in Washington, D.C., by an 1846 act of Congress. The Smithsonian administers numerous bureaus, including the Freer Gallery of Art, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the National Air and Space Museum, the National Gallery of Art, the National Museum of History and Technology, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Zoological Park and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. See the giants they had.

a spark is a tiny bright piece of burning material that flies up from something that is burning (the fire gradually got bigger and bigger and sparks flew off in all directions); an incandescent.particle, such as one thrown off from a burning substance; a quality or feeling with latent.potential; a seed or germ (the spark of genius); also a radio operator aboard a ship is called sparky
spark, sparked, sparking, sparks.verbs
intransitive verb use.to give off sparks
transitive verb use.to set in motion; activate (his mind sparks many new ways of considering circumstances); to rouse to action; spur (a cheering crowd sparked the runner to triumph; if one thing sparks another, the first thing causes the second thing to start happening (what was it that sparked your interest in photography?)
sparky, sparkier, sparkiest.adjectives
animated; lively

a firework that throws off brilliant sparks on burning, such as a birthday cake sparkler giving off a shower of metal sparks that are dangerous to eyes as the particles can imbed in the eye causing permanent injury; something that sparkles, such as a diamond
sparkle, sparkled, sparkling, sparkles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to give off sparks; to give off or reflect.flashes of light; glitter; to be brilliant in performance (the Rolling Stones always sparkle in their concerts); to shine with animation (he has eyes that sparkle); to flash with wit (her manner, her dress, her interest in others and her conversation sparkled throughout the evening); to release gas bubbles; effervesce (sparkling wines)
transitive verb use.to cause to flash and glitter (sunlight was sparkling the waves)
a small spark or gleaming.particle; glittering quality; brilliant.animation; vivacity; emission of gas bubbles; effervescence (sparkling wine)