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D r i n k i n g  a n d  S m o k i n g  Q u e s t i o n s
p a g e  2

-How can we help criminals in varying degrees of bondage to evil habits?

One becomes criminal after seeing lack, not love in his life. Not effectively knowing God, he or she is left off and on his own. Why left off, where's God in it all? Left off to flounder about, eventually latching onto whatever they may find that seems to satisfy their needs:.Proverbs 14:12.

It's God's grace that'll take them out of the syndrome that brought them to where they may be now.

The recidivism rate was drastically reduced thanks to some Christian groups getting permission to work with hardened criminals. Anytime you work from higher consciousness levels such as are encompassed by the overall umbrella of love, you produce postive results.

Meditation heals fragmented brains from criminality of varying degrees.

Another things that helped criminal minds become normal, is they had them assist kids who were paraplegics.(no use of legs and/or lower half of body), quadriplegic.(no use of any limbs).and other kids with various handicaps and terminal diseases. This brought out some deep good emotions from both the criminals and the kids.

Consequently, the recidivism rate dropped 70% for these criminals.

Try to, no, rather, decide to, be content. So many problems come from our grasping to get ahead. If you feel guided to, ask for help from your pastor, if he has helped others in this regard and if not, then special interest groups that deal with the problem. I say your pastor first because he will pray for God's help for you. Perhaps the special interest group prays for help for others too. They will if they are a Christian based group.

Eradication of the problem comes easier when you understand the true meaning of righteousness:.Daniel 4:27 ".....break off your sins by righteousness and your iniquities.(original is 'perversity').by showing mercy to the poor....."

One having compassion and a sincere desire, backed up with actions to help others, will soon lose desire for addictions and break the bond of persistent problems.

In my case I started smoking because I wanted to be closer with my friends.(1Samuel 8:20), to meet them where they were, in kind of a rapport, and share with them spiritual principles and thought that they would listen and accept as I was now in greater acceptance by them as a 'cool guy' and appeared non religious, as they understood religion to be.

Now I understand that God has to call people first and their minds will open no matter what.

When you realize that the reason for which you started smoking and drinking is no longer valid, you break the mental chain of neurons that connects the thought with the action. I later had other reasons to continue smoking and all valid too! Yeah right, huh! Oh well, I'm now "weaned" to the second weakest ones that can be bought. The next step after them will be 'sucking air'! 

One must think, as just described above, then come to a decision to quit; must want to quit. Then the desire to continue goes away. Growth in the Lord is important to keep on track. A continuous relationship with God through prayer, study, fellowship with others and a dedication to the welfare of others, all are important to continuously improve oneself in order to be more effective in helping others. As the effectiveness increases, the desire for what one was addicted to decreases.

AA.(Alcoholics Anonymous).has helped thousands become recovered from alcoholism and has a very good program. Check your telephone directory for a group nearest you.
    It consists of twelve steps to total recovery.

-Is it all right for a spiritual believer in God, called Christian in the Holy Bible, to go to a pub and drink beer?.Galatians 5:21

Not without inviting me along! Ha ha!
   The answer to many questions regarding Christian lifestyles are questions of the heart and not the letter:.Romans 7:6; 2Corinthians 3:6. It is from the heart that we develop discernment as to when to do what and why we may decide to do the things we do. It is from the heart that a balanced approach to individual likes and dislikes is gained; for example, sex:.Hebrews 13:4.

Many are too concerned about outward appearances:.1Peter 3:4. But we also need to be sure to be inoffensive in our day to day life:.Romans 14:21,22.

Emmanuel was a friend of many of the so called 'low life' of the day:.Matthew 9:10,11; 11:19; Mark 2:15; Luke 15:1. His actions were incomprehensible and irritated the religious leaders of the day:.Luke 5:30. He did not think much of them or worry about what they thought of His open condemnation of their different brands of legalism:.Matthew 23:13-33.

Paul too, had a problem with his strict legalistic upbringing.

I go to pubs and I drink beer.(preferably the ones without the some 46 additives the breweries can select from for use).and still smoke cigarettes and sometimes with a good Scotch, a fine cigar.

I do not plan to quit drinking. I enjoy it! Usually about 1 - 1/2 and on a hot day, maybe 2-3 beer is max. I cannot drink a lot of liquids, thankfully I guess. I drink when thirsty, whatever liquid I may be thirsty for at the time. When I do drink alcohol, I like to 'feel good', otherwise why waste your money on alcohol? Drink apple juice or water.
