-Do we more fully
enter the presence of God when we pray and study and meditate?
You do not enter it. One
grows in the
presence of God as he goes along in life with his belief in God. You
are already in 'the presence' if the nature
of Christ be in you. Acknowledge
that to yourself.
You stir up the gift of God.(2Peter
focusing on that which is true, including what
is true about you. Once you believe the truth, you begin to experience
it and this is life!.(John
17:3), part of which involves taking
time for meditation.
If your choice is a scripture
to meditate and contemplate on, try to keep in mind whatever points of
it are important to you.
-Regarding your statement,
'When God wants you, He knows how to get you. We don't come to God, He
comes to us': How does all that square with James
4:8 where it talks about
us first drawing close to God,
He will draw close to us?
Drawing close to the Creator
occurs after He has 'come to you' and your mind is awakened. This usually
occurs after a person has just about had enough of this upside down confusing
life and trying to negotiate it all with the
ego. It's enough to drive a person nuts.
The ego in its endless quest
to provide us with the best, even at the expense of everyone else's hurt,
paves a pathway for us, a pathway fed from the collective
closer to the Creator involves taking a new road, the one least traveled
by the majority of humanity, a new highway is thus made clear when we walk
the road of a
higher consciousness. To draw close to God:.James
-Do we believe on Emmanuel
or the Father, or both?
Doesn't matter:.John
10:30; 12:44,45.