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"One-fourth of all adults in Britain will be forced to undergo background checks to determine whether they ever have been convicted of crimes related to pedophilia. The basic assumption being: Anyone who has any contact with children should be considered a pedophile until proved otherwise. 

"And it's starting to happen in the United States, too. I've heard from parents in a handful of states who say their local public schools are requiring something similar. One Texas mom was barred from her daughter's kindergarten Christmas party because her background check hadn't cleared yet. Eventually, the teacher relented, but the mother had to stand at the very back of the classroom and could not interact with any child except her own.

"You can imagine that this type of law makes adults less eager to volunteer for schools, Scouts or any other activity with kids involved because they have to undergo.(and often pay for).security checks first. But what's worse is that in this suspicious climate, adults grow wary of any involvement with kids. Frank Furedi, author of.Paranoid Parenting.cites the story of a 2-year-old who wandered away from her nursery. A man driving by noticed her on the street, but.(as he later testified at an inquest).he didn't stop to help for fear he'd be accused of trying to abduct her.

"She ended up at a pond. And drowned.

"If we have reached the point in society where basic adult concern for children is mistaken for evil, we're back in Salem, 1692. The next 'witch' could be you, comforting the kid who fell off her swing or volunteering for the school dance without a background check. Or, of course, letting your children go 'free-range' and being accused of depraved indifference...".(for the article, type 'pedophiles witches and kids' at truthdig.com)

Shaken Baby Syndrome in many cases is delayed vaccine reaction.
See the informational movie on Shaken Baby Syndrome from Gary Null, Ph.D. award winning director of.The Drugging of our Children.and.Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own and AIDS Inc..

And see the world's foremost vaccine experts in this shocking exposé that will shatter the truth as you know it,.The Truth About Vaccines.
....In this film: truth about the real dangers of vaccines and their direct relationship to autoimmune diseases, infections, allergies and a massive increase of developmental learning and behavioral disorders in children.(*), such as autism. It talks about real truth about the history of vaccines and how they have never been proven to be safe and effective for anyone. Witness the legacy of deception and cover-ups associated with vaccines and learn about the corruption. The scientific community's vaccine studies found out the propaganda in favor of vaccines is seriously flawed. Heart-wrenching, real life stories of the parents and children devastated by the effects of vaccines are covered also in the movies,.Vaxxed.and.Vaxxed II. Search for them.

"The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example."
...Thomas Morell 1703-1784, Classical Scholar