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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
p a g e  6 0

Evolution can't even account for the synchronization process for the shell of an egg! There is no evolutionary explanation as to how the shell forms from the calcium stored inside the bird's body. And this is how a new bird is made! So, chickens come from eggs and chicken eggs produce chickens. Which was it that came first? Where does the origin of species fit here? Origin of a fable that is! What good is the teaching of evolution? 

The shell not only provides protection for the egg, but provides both a membrane through which it can breathe and a source of calcium for the developing embryo. How come the egg is as it is? If you really want to drive an evolutionist nuts, ask one about the synchronization.process necessary to produce life from a.human.egg. 

Birds produce fewer free radicals than mammals.despite the fact that birds have faster metabolic rates for their size. Mammals and cold blooded animals have vastly different remarkably complex life support systems. Evolution has accounted for this as evolution always does ....yawn! Mammals have a part of the brain.(the neocortex).that does not exist in reptiles or birds, is the explanation. Well, no kidding!

Male birds sing. Females can, but usually don't. Maybe they're not so happy with males. Few species of birds have females that do. One of the birds that does sing is the cardinal.(Richmondena cardinalis). Others are the rose breasted grosbeak.(Pheucticus ludovicianus).and some tropical wrens. Singing birds are called warblers,

Some species perform duets so well that all one hears is one voice for most of the song. Virginia rails perform duets, but differently. One bird begins. The other finishes. In other bird species, one begins and the other joins in half way. Yet others have the male sing some notes and the female other notes and they both switch back and forth. Such a marvelous creation! Such incredible diversity! European quails and African snipes reverse roles, with the female the singing one and the male almost voiceless. The more we look, the more astounding and even confounding it seems to be. 

There are different wing flapping characteristics for different birds. Some large birds with great wing spans, flap with a short up and down movement, yet others of similar size and wing span have a much greater flap. Same with the smaller birds, except for the hummingbird. Even here, we see such diversity. So many ways to do the same thing, to fly. What is God saying?

The Great Blue Heron has a specialized heat exchanger system located in their upper legs, enabling them to stand in frigid water for extended periods of time. This network of arteries and veins cools the blood flowing into the lower legs to conserve heat loss to the cold waters and to conserve the bird's energy. This system also warms the blood returning to the heart. In hot weather the system shuts down, allowing the legs to become a major source of heat loss, keeping the bird cooler. 

Bees:.About 1/3 of all food we eat depends upon the honeybee.

-Now we know why the bees have been disappearing.(humor). And the real story isn't at all funny. And the real reasons:."In the same way the bees are succumbing from foreign RNA being injected into them from mites, our injections are causing epidemics of cancer. So we're really looking at genocide.(legally termed 'negligent homicide')."....source unknown.

And let's not forget the part played by pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and the may other 'cides' that are chemically poisonous to bees. Serious; what Einstein said about it.

Bees are entirely dependent on flowers for food, which consists of pollen and nectar. Nectar is stored in their hives as honey. Both the bees and the flowers that they pollinate originated simultaneously. The difference between bees and wasps being that bees provide their young with a mixture of pollen and honey, whereas wasps feed their young animal food or provision their nests with insects or spiders. Bees go from flower to flower gathering pollen and a small amount is rubbed from their bodies and deposited on the flowers they visit. This rubbing off pollen is impoortant. It results in pollinating the plants they land on. The practical value of bees as pollinators is enormously greater than the value of their honey and wax production.....comprised with information from Encyclopedia Britannica.

Fiddling around as man does without regard to consequences, as in genetic tinkering, produced all kinds of attempts to kill humanity off; for example."the Africanized honeybee subspecies was accidentally released in Brazil in 1957 during an attempt to create a hybrid.(like Wuhan, an accident and similar to the genetically modified animals, like the genetically modified insects released in Florida and more. Humanity does not see that tinkering with something God created that works as it should, does not make it better. But they know that. They are out to weaponize what they think they can gain an advantage by. When the evil part of man is decided upon by him, this is the kind of thing that happens).that would adapt to tropical climates and produce large amounts of honey. Moving northward some 200 to 300 miles (320 to 480 km) per year, the bees had reached Mexico in the 1980s and Texas by 1990. Their range today covers the greater part of the southwestern United States, including southern California, southern Nevada and all of Arizona. In addition, an increasing number of Africanized honeybees have been observed in Florida. They have been considered responsible for hundreds of deaths."....comprised with information from Encyclopedia Britannica.

Contributing along with the above, man's experimentation with nature's set patterns is causing havoc.

There is great cooperative behavior between bees, beetles and ants.

Beehives have such an amazingly efficient design to them.

Female workers in a beehive actually expend effort to help the queen reproduce.(queen's reproduce all the eggs for all types {drones [male bees], workers [sterile female bees] and queen}), rather than focus all their efforts on trying to survive. How can a queen so different from workers pass onto her offspring the characteristics of worker bees? Both the body structure and behavior of a worker bee is very distinct from those of the queen, as is a drone.

Why do the workers who retain their ability to reproduce, work for the hive, rather than devote their efforts to whatever chance they may have to reproduce their own offspring? Why do bees do what they do? And same for all other animals. Is there really any way they all evolved the preferences individual animal kinds display? And the question especially applies when one considers the cooperative behavior between beetles and bees and ants and bees and badgers and birds!

The evolutionary theories developed thus far to explain altruism assume that altruistic behavior decreases reproduction by its very definition. How can a feature that reduces the reproduction of its bearers evolve when evolution by its basic tenets is the selection and promotion of traits that enable individuals to bring forth more descendants? No explanation of the evolution of altruism makes sense unless it shows that altruistic activity will actually improve the reproductive chances of its carriers. In other words, any theory which attempts to explain the evolution of altruism must identify some mechanism that compensates the altruist for its supposed loss of reproductive 'fitness' ...comprised with information from.The Handicap Principle, p.161. 

The paradox is; animals have signals which handicap them in such a way that guarantees the signal is reliable. 

Some bees hitch onto flower petals with their sharp mandibles, clasp with their legs and turn themselves into living tuning forks, quivering certain muscles 200 to 500 times a second. The rhythmical oscillations produce a middle C range auditory experience.

Stephen Buchmann of Beeworks, formerly of Carl Hayden Bee Research Centre in Tucson, Arizona, has measured the g's from the oscillating bee to be as high as 30 g's, far more than a test pilot can endure at 6 to 9 g's. But, the world's best known bee, the honeybee can't 'buzz'. Like I say, Creator-God darn well does things the way He wants and it confounds us again and again
   More on bees at pbs.org/wgbh/nova/bees/
