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Q u e s t i o n s  W e  M a y  H a v e
p a g e  1 0 c

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...The condemnation is not Christ castigating those not accepting Him. They could not 'accept' him anyway and how does one 'accept' Him unless God has specifically called them at this time?

The condemnation is that humanity chooses darkness.(John 3:19).rather than light for three reasons. Now this verse itself might sound like a condemnation. It is really an explanation. An explanation in the light of other scriptures that show that, when you are in light, you are in a loving and caring attitude; see 'Compassion'. And when in darkness, one is in ignorance of the truth of the light that his or her love toward others could bring to those hungering for hope

Many do not even know and/or effectively comprehend this loving nature of the Great Infinite Intelligence. Perhaps long ago. perhaps in their childhood they stopped listening to their inner prompts. Consequently, they cannot 'come to Christ' for one of two reasons: God is not calling them yet or and more probably, they are not hearing the right message. This improper message can cause many to become lukewarm spiritually:.Revelation 3:15-19

Many believers hear that they will be in heaven and live for eternity. Few hear that one's works of love here and now determine position in the government of God on the Earth, long before the next step in eternity comes.(see 'Rewarded'), that of a one thousand year period to occur.

Spiritual persons within whom resides the nature of love the Infinite One has given them, will be changed. Of them, those who may have passed on, will be resurrected, maybe now, maybe later. If later, a body composed of spirit will be present, the real you.

These resurrected will reign with Christ for the period of government on Earth, after which they and those joining the body of Christ during this period, will assist for the next 100 years, in which all those who have died in past ages will be resurrected and have their opportunity to grow spiritually and get the reward of a position in that government.

After that, those who have not the loving nature of the Infinite One in them.(Matthew 13:41 "The Son of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity."), will have their flesh burnt up.(and probably the only reason then to not accept Christ would be that they are still tied too much to their own flesh; addictions, perversions and like mindsets which take the control away from the person), releasing bondage for them to that which was unable to be overcome.

Then their spirit will also be free of fleshly bondage (Romans 8:23; 2Corinthians 5:2,4) and ready for a new life for them:.Acts 17:28,31; Colossians 2:9.

God's plan is to reconcile all to Himself:.1Timothy 2:6; 1John 2:2. See 'All To Be Saved'. 

Paul also was hot for preaching the gospel:.1Corinthians 9:16
    1Chronicles 16:8.

"All men are alike in their lower natures; it is in their higher characters that they differ."....Christian Nestell Bovee, author, lawyer (1820-1904)