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-Luke 3:23-38 notes, comprised from.Jay Green's Translation Notes On The New Testament: This genealogy differs considerably from the one in Matthew. For this reason most of the commentators and most of the evidence make this to be a genealogy of Mary the mother of Emmanuel. For it was not permitted for a woman's name to appear in the genealogical tables and so we see Joseph entered as the son of Heli. But Heli was the father of Mary, the father in law of Joseph.(Joseph's father was named Jacob:.Matthew 1:15)

Matthew's genealogy traces from Abraham through David to Joseph, the legal father of Emmanuel:.Matthew 1:1-17. Luke's genealogy traces from Emmanuel's physical mother's husband Joseph back through David and Abraham all the way to Adam:.Luke 3:23-38. A different father is given to Joseph in the two genealogies, Heli in Luke and Jacob in Matthew. It therefore is concluded that Joseph is included in Luke because he was the legal father of Emmanuel, rather than because he was the natural father.

-Acts 4:26 notes; comprised from.Barnes New Testament Notes:.They rose against Creator's plan of appointing a Messiah.(means 'the anointed one' – anointed of the Creator the Father).and against the Messiah whom he had chosen. 

This passage implies that opposition to the Messiah is opposition to the Creator – he that is opposed to Christ is opposed to the Creator.

The ancient Jewish leaders claimed to believe in their Creator, but not the Messiah, His Son, Emmanuel the Christ.

But, he that despises him despises the Creator of Him:.Matthew 10:40; 18:5; John 12:44,45; Luke 10:16.

The Messiah is:.Hebrew 1:3. He is equal with the Father, possessing the same attributes and the same power:.John 1:1; Philippians 2:6. To despise him, therefore, is to despise God.

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
...Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the cabal's corporate United States of America, 1933-1945