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Listings on this page are of Christ
See also Emmanuel
(Emmanuel was the son of God who became the Christ
after his crucifixion and resurrection and that was the reason he came to Earth)

Christ -3 days in the sepulchre.(Emmanuel the Christ during his death time)
Christ -a many membered body
Christ -a part of God
Christ -accepting Him as personal savior not required
Christ -the Advocate.(help to rise above no matter what)
Christ -appearing.(when?)
Christ -meaning of acceptance
Christ -all things are from Him
Christ -and God
Christ -anointed
Christ -appeared to many after resurrecting
Christ -appreciation of Him
Christ -ascension
Christ -author & finisher of faith
Christ -back to the Father.(a way was made)
Christ -birth, December or April?
Christ -being 'in' Him
Christ -blood of
Christ's -bloodline
Christ -body of
Christ -bought by
Christ -bride of
Christ -brought the light
Christ -burial of Emmanuel
Christ -calling.(respnsible for our awakening)
Christ -came not to condemn
Christ -came from God
Christ -came to save
Christ -came to teach
Christ -child?
Christ -came in the clouds in 70 A.D.
Christ -comes as a thief
Christ -Comforter
Christ -coming of
Christ -competitor to religions of His day?
Christ -contest.(no longer a contest between good & evil)
Christ -corner stone
Christ -could do no mighty works because of unbelief of others
Christ -council of
Christ -created all that exists
Christ -crucifixion.(what Christ felt dragging his cross and did on way to the crucifixion)
Christ -day of
Christ -day star
Christ -dead in
Christ -'decision for'.(do we really 'make a decision for Christ'?)
Christ -declared Son of God by the resurrection
Christ -denying Him andnot realizing it
Christ -died on our behalf
Christ -disdain for.(by the religious leaders of the time He was on Earth)
Christ -doctrine of
Christ -Emmanuel Christ; body of
Christ -an example for us to follow, how?
Christ -expresses as us
Christ -fellowship of his sufferings
Christ -finished the work
Christ -finisher & author of faith
Christ -follow me.(Christ said)
Christ -forming in us
Christ -found of those who didn't seek him
Christ -fulness in us
Christ -genealogy
Christ -gift of
Christ -given us all things
Christ -gospel of
Christ -government of
Christ -greater works than Him can we do?
Christ -grow in, so we don't fall away
Christ -healing by those in Christ
Christ -helps and how?
Christ -His choice to save us
Christ -how Christ came about
Christ -house of
Christ -image of God
Christ -in God.(what does this mean?)
Christ -in the beginning
Christ -in us
Christ -in us of none effect
Christ -incorruptible
Christ -ineffective?
Christ -Intercessor.(intercession, intercedes)
Christ -is learned.(something one needs to learn to grow spiritually)
Christ -job in us
Christ -key to
Christ -killed by whom?
Christ -killing.(of Emmanuel who was the Christ in physical form)
...David's throne now Christs
...New Testament scriptures on Christ the King
...Old Testament scriptures foretelling Christ coming to be King
Christ -knowledge of
Christ -Lamb of God
Christ -learning
...in Christ is life
Christ -live in Him.(what's it mean?
...light bringer.(replaced Lucifer who became Satan)
...light of the world
Christ -little flock of
Christ -loved the world
Christ -made sin.(He was made sin for us, that is, He took all the world's wrongs on Him, so they wouldn't apply spiritually against anyone)
Christ -made us accepted
Christ -making a decision for.(is this even a valid concept?)
Christ -Mediator
Christ -mind of
Christ -miracles of
Christ -mystery of
Christ -needed.(why?)
Christ -no darkness.(and no sin in Him)
Christ -one body.(those in Christ are a body of believers)
Christ -one with Father-Creator
Christ -oneness with.(a special oneness not known before Christ came)
Christ -our Savior
Christ -our sustenance
Christ -predestinated?
Christ -priesthood.(different than that of Old Testament)
Christ -promise of by the Father
Christ -promises, all of them
Christ -prophesies about
Christ -purchased what?
Christ -reality of
Christ -reconciling the world
Christ -reigning with
Christ -rejection.(His rejection propheised, why it had to be)
Christ -requirement of believing negated.(the before the cross necessity and the after the cross newness)
Christ -resurrection.(of Emmanuel, the one who was Christ at that time)
Christ -returns of
Christ -righteousness of
Christ -Rock
Christ -sacrifice of?
Christ -saves
Christ -Savior of some?
Christ -Savior of the world
Christ -second coming
Christ -seed Son
Christ -sheep to the slaughter
Christ -Shepherd
Christ -stablish us
Christ -suffered.(so we wouldn't have to)
Christ -supreme over all
Christ -Sustainer
Christ -sword he brought
Christ -taught by Him
Christ -the Word
Christ -transfiguration of
Christ -translucent
Christ -turning point of all history
Christ -workmanship of
Christ -works of
Christ -vine
Christ -was made a curse
Christ -what does He want of us
Christ -what is
Christ -where is He?
Christ -why He came
Christ -why He died
Christ -women & oil