continues from...
...Those who spoke in tongues
were in the lowest of the
12:28. Paul said to reach higher than that and he was going to show
us a better way:.1Corinthians
12:31. 1Corinthians 13
shows that love supersedes
the gift of speaking in tongues and prophesying.
Paul says that speaking in
tongues is useless to others unless they understand what it is that you
are saying:.1Corinthians
14:6-9. Better to communicate love in a language that others can comprehend,
like giving and helping those in need, even a smile; better than trying
to impress
If tongues is important to
one, he should be sure that he is able to correctly interpret what is gibberish
to others:.1Corinthians
Paul communicated with God
in both words he understood and in tongues he did not understand:.1Corinthians
Tongues were a sign to unbelievers.(1Corinthians
14:22), but some spiritual persons.(believers).today
expect new believers to evidence their receiving the Holy Spirit by hearing
tongues from them.
I have had some ask me about
tongues. That was first and most important on their mind. Was I like them?
They had to know! My thoughts were: Did they care about what I was learning
about the spiritual ways? Why didn't they ask "What are you learning lately?"
No, They wanted to know if I was in the narrow field of their particular
Some religious
people act as though they prize.(Philippians
and prophesying more than love and are so zealous
over others accepting their tongues and prophesying beliefs, that they
think it strange and that maybe one is not in touch with God, if another
thinks differently. Such as this lack wisdom in interpersonal
relationships in not respecting where others may presently be in their
growth, not realizing that it is not tongues and prophesying, but Him
that makes us acceptable,
that is leading us to respect God and Him that is working
in us:.Acts
10:35. It is the unity
in love that is.important:.Ephesians
4:13-18; Galatians 5:6;.Colossians
3:14 "And above all these things put on charity, which is the
bond of perfectness.".A
few need to learn how to be at peace
with others:.Hebrews
Anyone unfamiliar with and
attending a tongues speaking church
for the first time will think that they are all nuts:.1Corinthians
Some churches devote whole
services to public.(congregational)
to God in tongues:.Matthew
6:6 "But you, when you pray, enter into your closet.(a
quiet private place).and
when you have shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret and
your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly."
If one wants to speak
in tongues in church to others, it should be done discreetly,
with wisdom and be a small part of the overall church program:.1Corinthians
14:27,28, 39,40.