Addendum, Page 1
N o t e s
All of us love. Some love to be kind, caring and helpful and some of the lower consciousness ego level, love the advantage, even using deceit to maintain it.
Anybody for totalitarianism? Or, what happens when you have a government producing policies that the populace hasn't approved of, and doesn't effectively even know about..(keep 'em busy so they have little time to look deeply into things of government that are sure affecting them)

Certified as an unabridged duplicate of originals.

HANSARD.- Pp. 2809 for 1936 by Mr. Blackmore.
From the New Democracy, under "Dynamics of Education" by Dr. Joyce Mitchell.

"An article in the New Democracy of Nov. 8,1934 entitled Gold, History and Liberty set me studying the historical agitation that led to the passing of the Second Reform Bill of 1832.(we can't find it)
    "It was amazing to learn in the article that "The true facts of that tremendous historical occurrence known as the passing of the Second Reform Bill of 1832 has been deliberately suppressed by successive governments and that standing orders have been given to the permanent officials in government departments to take the utmost precautions by means of the government secret service that none of the real facts connected with the passing of the 2nd Reform Act shall ever be published in any history, or book of historical reference, whether the same is intended for school boys, university students or professional historians.
    "It was in this article that I learned for the first time of the existence of a permanent Government official receiving a salary of £1200 a year and pension — known as a historical advisor, whose miserable, degrading duty consists in advising the Government of the day how to evade and suppress historical truth in the interest of professional politicians".

A parliamentary.dictatorship occurs when, as in former communist Russia, the ruling elite possess privileges the proletariat (propertyless class) are generally unable to enjoy. 
    A parliamentary dictatorship occurs when, even though the people do vote, those elected by the populace may not even end up in cabinet positions. Such as it is in Canada, where the elected prime minister can place within his cabinet, in a position of responsibility over all Canadians, someone that may not be a citizen of Canada; may even have been brought in from another country, which has happened.

Canada Day, Canadian national holiday, celebrated on July 1. It marks the anniversary of the unification of Upper and Lower Canada (what are now Ontario and Quebec), New Brunswick, and Nova the Dominion of Canada. This union was effected by passage on July 1, 1867, of the British North America Act. Formerly known as Dominion Day, the name was changed to Canada Day in 1982. Comprised from "Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Below shows 1881,.14 years after a supposed confederation, the court ruled Britain still in full control, and that the federal parliament in Canada had no power of its own.(because the federal parliament was to "aid and advise" the Governor General) to do anything apart from what the Governor General specifically approves of. He in Canada.(*).at the time of the BNA Act 1867 to 1930.
    The Citizens and Queen Ins. Cos. v. Parsons.(4, S.C.R. 1881, at p. 317) Justice Taschereau recites:."But the federal parliament cannot amend the British North America Act, nor give, either expressly or impliedly, to the local legislatures, a power which the Imperial Act does not give them. This is clear and had always been held in this court to be the law."


The GST is a national tax on new and used goods with the collected tax going to the central government. The GST appears unlawful in Canada for these reasons:-1--2


There are right and wrong ways to set up a constitution, unless you're so socialistically liberal you don't believe in right and wrong anymore.
    1) A conquering army imposes the constitution of the country from which it came.
    2) A dictator or scheming group of politicians imposes their ideas without consulting the people or the legislatures of the provinces. Their modus operandi:.Whatever you do, do not give the people of Canada a chance to draft and ratify a constitution. They might 'throw us out'!.(how things have been done by those in positions of responsibility in Ottawa to keep from Canadians, the overwhelming effect of the truth of the status of the Provinces sovereignty.(*)
    Right.ways are here.                            _____________

Even under the time of the BNA Act, the sovereignty of each Province has been established by the courts (Liquidators of the Maritime Bank vs. the Receiver General (1892 A.C. 437).
    The overriding natural law to which all men and governments are subject requires that "governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed".(*).(*).(*).(*).(*).

Prime Minister Trudeau confirmed that Quebec could leave Canada if it so desires, and therefore, every other Province has the right to secede.


Robert Mansell, Professor of Economics, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada,.has displayed how much more Alberta pays into Canada than it gets back:."Studies have consistently shown that if Canada broke up, Alberta would gain and Quebec would lose," he points out.
    According to Statistics Canada, Quebec got $5.9 billion more than it paid out in 1998, a per capita benefit of $797. Other winners were Saskatchewan at $1,657 per capita, Manitoba at $2,288, New Brunswick at $3,607, Nova Scotia at $4,382, Prince Edward Island at $4,774 and Newfoundland at $5,982. Other losers were British Columbia at -$564) and Ontario at -$1,559. Now, its good to help others, but of the heart, not a forced set contribution by those in central control, who've done their own figuring.
    "Every place where there's the possibility of rigging.(the system).so you get as much out of Alberta on a net basis as you can, that's what Ottawa does," Prof. Mansell says."Employment Insurance takes a massive amount out of Alberta. In discretionary federal spending. Alberta and B.C. get screwed. When they.(Ottawa).reduced the tax for large corporations everybody got the benefit except.the energy sector..Alberta is getting screwed again. How is it that Ontario has a higher per capita income and four times the population, yet Alberta ends up paying far more?".(policies of totalitarian governments will not be tolerated in a new federation)
    Tom Flanagan, Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Author of.Louis "David" Riel: "Prophet of the New World".and.Métis Land Claims in Manitoba, agrees.."I've increasingly become aware that the structure of Confederation has become a kleptocracy," he says "What is the federal government doing for us?...Does it provide a stable currency? No, we have a devalued dollar. It's become intrinsic to the system that governments stay in power by transferring money from some parts of the country to other parts of the country in order to buy votes."
    If governments obtain position to obtain money by deceitful means, they are simply double-dealing..culprits and should be dealt with by the courts. 
    Governments produce nothing, and if they don't exist within a system of checks and balances, they'll want to control all they can for their own benefit.

Chancellor Erhard of Germany, after the war said, that the solution to shortages, recession and unemployment is to dispense with most intervention and regulation and allow people to produce competitively in freedom.

Accounts of the development of Canada's freight rate structure can be found in A.W. Currie's.Economics of Canadian Transportation, Ken Cruikshank's.Close Ties.and W.T. Jackman's.Economics of Transportation.

Index of Canadian political history

Eternal Keys site
