About The Author and Researchers
Mr. Elmer S. Knutson (now passed), owned Alberta Tractor, Edmonton, Alberta authored this treatise. Mr. Knutson (Who's Who Canada) financed most of the research with the following two gentlemen. Research took over one and a half years and cost a million and a half dollars. His dedication, and the dedication of the other gentlemen below, was inspired by the desire to have Canadians design a constitution from the ground up, one that would reflect the kind of policies that they may want. Mr. Knutson wanted Canadians to form a proper and legal constitution, one reflecting the will of the people, such as other countries (U.S.A, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, etc.) have attempted.

Mr. Roger Smith (1884) of Fort Qu'Appelle in the district of Assiniboia in the North West Territories, mechanical engineer; constitutional research was his hobby. He assisted in research.

Mr. Walter Kuhl, Jasper/Edson. Member of Parliament, Ottawa, also assisted in research. His presentation before The House of Commons Ottawa, Thursday November 8, 1945.

Index of Canadian political history

Eternal Keys site
