Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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unanimous, unanimously, unanimousness, unanimity
based on or characterized by complete assent or agreement; sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord; the condition of being unanimous

without bias or prejudice; impartial; fair

underhand, underhanded, underhandedly, underhandedness
marked by or done in a deceptive, secret, or sly manner; dishonest and sneaky; in a sly and secret way; devious; secret

United States map

unfounded, unfoundedly, unfoundedness
not based on fact or sound evidence; groundless; baseless; not yet established

unnatural, unnaturally, unnaturalness
inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom; deviating from a behavioral norm (an unnatural attachment); in violation of a natural law; in violation of natural feelings; artificial (smiled in an unnatural manner); inhuman

free from prejudice; impartial; fair

unscrupulous, unscrupulously, unscrupulousness
devoid of scruples; oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable

untenable, untenability.or.untenableness, untenably
being such that defense or maintenance is impossible (an untenable position); being such that occupation or habitation is impossible (untenable quarters)
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