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p a g e  5

-Pound for pound trees and other plants need much more water to survive than animals do. At least 500 pounds of water must be lifted from a tree's roots to its leaves to make one pound of tree tissue. More than 90 percent of the water a tree intakes, 'leaks' out into the air through pores in leaves.

A tree 'pulls' water into itself thanks to the Sun. Water evaporating from the leaves tugs on the water molecules in the xylem. The xylem is the supporting and water conducting tissue of vascular plants consisting primarily of tracheids.(cells in the xylem).and vessels; a tree's woody tissue; its circulatory system.

The evaporation caused by the Sun's rays heating up the tree, creates negative pressure inside the tree. Because all the water molecules in the xylem are connected by hydrogen bonds, a tug extends all the way down the trunk to the roots.."It all has to do with the way water molecules interact.".says plant biologist Michele Holbrook of Harvard University.

Grow plants 4x faster and at 3-4x the size, just by structuring the water with a special crystal Nassim Haramein developed and grows. It's been thirty years in the making. It also will restructure the water in you for better health. Nassim calls it the ARK crystal and it comes in a pendant. The YouTube video on it

Nassim's site  https://resonancescience.org
