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1- If you have only one match and you walked into a room where there was an oil burner, a kerosene lamp and a wood burning stove, which one would you light first?
2- What is this little poem talking about? "Often talked about but never seen, ever coming but never been. Daily looked for but never here, still approaching, coming near. Thousands for its visit wait, hoping for a better fate. Tho' you expect it to appear, you'll never see it any year."
3- How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark?
4- What is one business that can't thrive without strikes?
5- What is something that if you don't have any, you go out of?
6- People race cars, boats, each other, etc. What's one race that if you finish in a tie, you lose.
7- What's one thing that can be dead, but still have a chance to survive?
8- A large project came up and bids were submitted for the carpentry position. The company was paying $200. a day for a months work, but would penalize a worker $300. per day he may not show up. Stan took on the job, but when he went to pick up his paycheque at the end of 30 days, he found he didn't have any money coming. How many days had Stan worked?
9- A tree in the Canadian Rockies doubles its height each year, until it reaches its maximum height in ten years. How many years did it take for the tree to have reached half its maximum height?
10- Your feeling in a generous mood and decide to treat to some movies. Is it less expensive to take one friend to the movies twice, or two friends to the movie once (excluding the popcorn, of course; you're not that generous)?
11- Three cats on a fence: two decide to jump off; how many are still on the fence?

Highlight to see answer.
1-The match! Then you could decide which of the other objects to light next. Perhaps the lamp for some light

2-The poem is talking about tomorrow

3-None! It was Noah, not Moses, who took the animals on the ark



6-Racing a train to a crossing


8-The carpenter ended up working 18 days and did not work 12 days.

9-It reaches half its maximum height in nine years

10-It is less expensive to take two friends to the movies at the same time, otherwise you are splurging on yourself twice. Four tickets, compared to three

11-Three! Two cats decided to jump; they hadn't actually jumped yet
