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-Did God predestinate me to be born into a particular family?

For sure the Creator is aware of every minute detail of His creation.(Matthew 10:29-31).and does control the universe and all that is in it. 

God has predestinated you.(what it is that makes you, you).to be put into a human body at this particular time in all eternity, just as He did Jeremiah. Jeremiah, like us, was destined to do some things:.Jeremiah 1:4,5.

Of course it also would not have been happenstance which family came to be the one through which came you. The Creator knows all and knew everybody before they were put into a physical body.

As to whether or not you were predestined to have the problems you and also everyone else has and has had, none were predestined to have problems when on the spiritual pathway.

Problems however, are part of the path of the ordinary consciousness, for without them we wouldn't seek a better way, a higher conscousness way, so a spiritual law exists, that of reaping what one has sown. We are here to learn love throught listening to life.

Being born good, we soon leave the safe pathway to experiment in the ego world, where many hurts of living reside. Hurts of living on the ego side were necessary, just as they were in Paul's life and the lives of so many others, such as Jonah. Without hurts, one would not desire and hopefully seek a better way.

God is also responsible for the part of the world you live in:.Deuteronomy 32:8; Jeremiah 5:22; 27:6; Amos 9:7; Acts 17:26. This does not mean you should not move if it is in your mind to go to some other location to live, but good to get guidance on major stuff first. Ask Suby and ask others? Why?
