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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' E '

Eastern Religions

-Do we have to believe in Emmanuel name to be saved? What if someone never had a chance to hear the name of Emmanuel in order to be saved?

-How about telling yourself a free holiday cruise in the Caribbean will come to you?

-How can we be more kind and loving? And, why don't the powerful invisible beings of higher consciousness just come and correct it all?

-If karma is we reap what we have sown, where does forgiveness come into it?

-If one believes that his consciousness is to blame for what is happening or could happen in life, what will he think when things go bad? Do any of us really have it all together enough to create our own destiny?

-Well if you believe karma is true, is there need for Emmanuel the Christ?

-Were these Baalite priests religious fanatics or what?

-What other 'God' can you compare to the real One?

Emmanuel About Him

-Are some are now with Christ in the Kingdom of God, the rule of God?

-If Emmanuel was already perfect, why does it say God had to make Him perfect through sufferings?

-Is Emmanuel the Christ our spiritual brother? I thought that he was above us as very God, and that we should be imitating Him?

-Was Emmanuel's Father the Holy Ghost or God the Father?

-What does it mean to ask."in Emmanuel name"? Couldn't this become."vain repetition"?

-Why did God the Father or Emmanuel himself, allow such a severe mocking and scourging upon him?

-Why did Emmanuel despise the shame of what He went through?

-Why did Emmanuel not want those He healed to tell others?

-Why do they portray Christ as a child at Christmas?

-Why is Emmanuel called the Lamb of God?


How do you become aware of this presence?

Evolution.List of Questions
