And Order In Society
those who have killed in war guilty of murder and go to hell?
about New Testament law?
does one be a light to others and how does letting one's light shine, square
with doing your works in secret?
the velocity of light a constant in time? (physics anyone?)
to lay ourselves bare to your enemies?
we to be inviting strangers into our homes as the Bible seems to indicate?
Couldn't this be unwise?
many of your thoughts have to do directly with believing more about Christ,
love here and now, the coming life and your reward in it?
you ever think of God as smiling at you because He's happy with you?
God lie in His promise of eternal life to us?
what you think make you love God and people more? Does what you think add
to your attractiveness?
can on be approved in the eyes of others?
can one increase love?
would you know love is for you?
God is all powerful does He not intervene and stop all warring? What if
one goes to war and kills?
a Christian engage in warfare?
is love?
is the law?
do so many people not like me?
does God choose to love?
get yourself a bad name?
would I want to care for an enemy if this just made things worse for him?
How is this showing love?