Law questions continue
James say that pure religion involves keeping the commandments?
Paul and Barnabas give testimony how that through thick and thin they kept
the laws of the commandments in order to be faithful to God and receive
His blessings?
Paul and Barnabas persuade religious people including the Jews to continue
on keeping the commandments and be sure to tithe?
Peter say that people everywhere are accepted when they keep the commandments?
Paul say that the Holy Spirit was given to us so we could better keep the
commandments and would bless us in our efforts to tithe?
Peter state that it was commandments keeping that increases grace and peace?
the grace and truth Emmanuel bring build upon the law of Moses?
was Emmanuel the sureness of a better testament, and why?
God going to use the commandments as a basis for judgement or the gospel?
sin no longer counts, why did Paul put such an emphasis on the law, calling
it holy, just and good?
the Mosaic Law is done away, why did Emmanuel tell this man to keep the
any part of the Mosaic Law any good and does Paul figure it should be used
to draw close to God by keeping it?
it the commandments that sets us in the way of God (the ways of love
and compassion)?
it through grace or commandment keeping that we have fellowship with others?
Commandment keeping makes us judge whether or not we or the other guy is
right with God or not.
the Spirit life in you because of you keeping the commandments or because
you have the gift of righteousness from Emmanuel?
the law is done away as explained in the Mosaic Law subject, why does Paul
then say in Romans 8:4 that the righteousness of the law should be fulfilled
in us?
the law is spiritual it came from God. Why would not then it be always
in effect?
spiritual persons keep the Sabbath Day?
we be diligent in applying the commandments in our lives?
what today to obey?
what are we then to do regarding the law, and which one?
we saved by the works of being willing to keep the commandments, go
to church and pay 10% to it?
about James talking about faith and works?
did Paul testify about?
did Peter figure was needed to be saved?
does this 'Christ in you' do for you?
else do you need but Him?
is that makes us sure that we are of the truth and gives us assurance that
we are ok with God? Is it keeping the commandments?
didn't Paul say that "His righteousness is declared through you keeping
the commandments, tithing, etc." instead of through grace?
didn't Paul say we are all brethren through commandment keeping and paying
tithes to God?
do some spiritual persons become disillusioned?
does Paul often open and sign his letters with "grace be unto you" and
not "brethren, be sure you continue in the blessings of God by keeping
the commandments and not being neglectful of giving your tithe to God"?
doesn't Paul say that we are quickened.(made
alive with Him).through
keeping the commandments, tithing, etc.?
doesn't Paul say that we are saved by our gifts of money and tithes to
God and our pleasing of Him through keeping the commandments part of
the Mosaic Law?
doesn't Paul say we have forgiveness according to our willingness to keep
the laws of tithing and the part of the Mosaic Law which had to do with
keeping the commandments?
would anyone want to keep that which couldn't produce perfection, when
there exists a way that would?
would the law be done away if Emmanuel said that He came to fulfill it?
love in heart in the new covenant, what further need was there for working
to impress the heart with external regulations such as the Mosaic Law?