FAQ's, Things To Consider Changing and Establish, and What To Do Next - Page 2
("We must become the change we want to see in the world." ....Mohandis Ghandi)
What To Do Next

There are.many.(not all) very good MLA's (concerned about people and things in reference to them) in each Province in Canada. Feel free to contact your Member of Legislative Assembly in the Province you are in. Get this information to him and ask him some time after he's had a chance to digest it, what is he going to do about it?

MLA contacts..links:.Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Nunavut

Can be set up similarly:

STEP 1 — The people of each Province to petition their Provincial Government to hold a referendum asking the following question;
"Do you wish the people of 'whatever province you're in where this is done' (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, etc.) to withdraw all powers of government over the people of 'whatever province you're in where this is done' from the Canadian central government?" 
STEP 2 — Once the referendum is successfully passed, a constituent assembly must be elected, with one delegate from each provincial constituency. The constituent assembly will draw up a constitution. The newly created nation comprising either one Province or as many as all of them (again, whatever the people in each Province decide) must be a true Federation, giving well-defined powers to the people of each Province and/or region (Western region, Ontario region, Quebec region, Atlantic region) and well-defined Provincial powers for each Province.
 STEP 3 — The constitution must be ratified by a substantial majority and approved by the legislature of each Province.
   The people will choose the types of laws and governments that they prefer. The people of Canada's individual regions (Western, Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic) will be able to make their own decisions through their own constituent assembly and their own legislatures. Each region can become strong only through self-determination based on the consent of the governed therein..Then a proper federal union of all regions can take place, installing a federal district (not.Ottawa again..p l e a s e !..too many negatives), this time in, say,.Winnipeg, or whatever city Canadians now decide that it should be in. New buildings will be constructed for the new and true federation's parliament.
   A new nation is born..p r o p e r l y !

Each Regional Assembly could be made up of 12 say, 'Notables', popular competent people others know and trust, as selected by citizens in say 12 areas of approximately the same number of voters in each province. This would mean that each province would be divided into 12 areas. Elections would be held in each area to elect Notables to represent the people in each area and also their particular province.
   No parties would exist in this first regional assembly, but each Notable must be a person who is at least 50 years of age and a property owner, i.e. farmer, businessman professional or labourer, preferably one who has served, or is serving, in an elected capacity in the Province of residence. The person so elected should be financially solvent.
   As Regional Assembly Members, they will deal with all matters discussed with the other regions of Canada, i.e. Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces.
   The only full time paid "Regional Assembly Member" will be the Chairman who will be elected by popular vote from provinces within the region, and he will be the administrator of the staff which will man the offices of the Regional Assembly and will cast the deciding vote in case of a tie at Regional Assembly meetings.
   The Notables to be elected for a four year term, except for the first assembly when twenty-five percent, or three from each province are elected for one year, three for two years, three for three years and three for four years to provide a format for an ever-revolving and responsive assembly, uncontrollable by organized groups.
   Regional Assembly members as stated above are elected as individuals with a notable record of public and volunteer service and as such will be able to vote their area and provincial wishes.
   To help ensure.true responsibility to the electorate, the term of each assembly member including the chairman shall be a maximum of two four-year terms, with.fixed dates for elections.and a simple, quick.Recall System.initiated by each Notable's own area (constituency).

Independence.(no party politics where members can be coerced to 'vote the party' line and 'to hell with the people' that voted you in).must exist for the member in the Provincial Government, so they can.vote on issues on their own terms and according to the wishes of their electorate. This would also carry over to federal sittings. By establishing fixed terms for each government , a member's (MLA) loyalty would be to his own constituents. Bills affecting citizens could not be passed without a vote by those to be affected by it.

I n d e x  o f  s i t e
