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F a i t h  Q u e s t i o n s
p a g e  2 b

...continued from Questions, Page 2.from the question, Are works needed to be saved?

...In Rahab's.(she was a prostitute).case, the works she did, she did because she believed in her Creator and wanted a physical blessing too. Her story

James is talking about after one has faith, that he now should have works of love, kindness, concern, etc. In verse 24 James is saying one's works show evidence that he has been.(not 'will be' because of them).justified.(means 'made righteous'). Even Emmanuel said:.Matthew 7:15,16

Notice verses 21 and 22 in James 2 where James also talks of Abraham; that Abraham had faith and did works because he now felt a certain way toward his Creator: the Creator now was his friend:.verse 23.

Belief only in the Creator is not adequate:.verse 20. Many believe in God, go to church, cheat others and would step all over you if they had half a chance! Their works show their heart. 

James is saying that once you have faith, more than just believing in Him is required:.James 2:19. But the works are not required to receive the gift of the Creator which is faith enabling salvation. They are needed if you are to gain an eternal lasting reward commensurate to the best of your constantly improving spiritual ability:.Ephesians 6:8

Emmanuel too refers to this:.Luke 19:12-26.
