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1st and 2nd Thessalonians

-1Thessalonians 2:16.What does it mean here."to fill up their sins alway"?

-1Thessalonians 3:13.This verse seems to be saying that we are not holy, righteous and perfect as you mention, as the verse says we won't be established in blamelessness until Christ comes.

-1Thessalonians 4:4.Please explain?

-1Thessalonians 4:11 What's it mean here to."study to be quiet"?

-1Thessalonians 4:15-18.Is this about the so called rapture? Was the tribulation in 70 A.D. only a smaller type of a similar, a maybe worse one, still to come? Would God and His trillions of angels not have been able to make it a peaceful transition?

-1Thessalonians 5:2.What is the."day of the Lord"?

-1Thessalonians 5:17.What does it mean here to."pray without ceasing"? How on Earth is anyone supposed to do that? And how often to pray over the same thing?

-1Thessalonians 5:18.Should we or is it a good idea to, ask a blessing on each meal? One person I know bows his head, closes his eyes and asks this out loud in restaurants as he believes this is being a witness for Emmanuel.

-1Thessalonians 5:19.How can the Holy Spirit be quenched?

-2Thessalonians 1:6,7,10 In this passage it is shown that Christ is revealed from heaven with his angels when those who are his, those having believed in him, are in the midst of trouble and in Matthew 24:29,30 it talks about Christ coming immediately after the tribulation. How can this be?

-2Thessalonians 1:8.How and why would God do this?

-2Thessalonians 1:8,9.This does not sound too much like a loving God!

-2Thessalonians 2:3,7.What is."the mystery of iniquity", the."man of sin".and the."son of perdition"?

-2Thessalonians 2:7.Who is the."he".mentioned here."to be taken out of the way"? And what is this mystery of iniquity?

-2Thessalonians 2:7.What does this "voluntary humility" and "worshipping of angels" mean?

-2Thessalonians 2:11.Does God want or let people be led astray with lies?

-2Thessalonians 3:10.What about giving to bums who accost you on the street? 

-2Thessalonians 3:11.What does the Bible tell about gossip?
