Bible Dictionary: "Adam was the first
man God created with intelligent
power to reason
like Him."
us today).had
a special spirit placed inside
which allows introspection:.Proverbs
20:27; Zechariah 7:12;
Adam was formed out of the
dust of the Earth.(and
his name:
Genesis 3:19),
and the Creator breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and gave
him dominion over all the lower creatures:.Genesis
1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of
the air and over the cattle and over all the Earth and over every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the Earth."
2:7 "And God formed man of the dust of the ground.(Ecclesiastes
3:20; 12:7;).and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.".Physically
we're dust:.Genesis
3:19 " return unto the ground, for out of it were you taken,
for dust you are and to dust you return."
He was placed after he was
created, in the Garden of Eden prepared for Adam and Eve to enjoy:.Genesis
2:8-15. He was to cultivate it and to enjoy its fruits under this one
2:17 "Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat
of it, for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die."
In other words, the choice
Adam and Eve made was not toward the attitude of love that gives eternal
life. The verse doesn't mean the same day he may eat it but means the time
of his presence on Earth, because Adam lived 930 years:.Genesis
Adam and Eve were curious
of new things:.Ecclesiastes
Good to be interested in
new things, once you become aware of them, but curiosity can lead one into
big trouble when the desire to find out is so great that one risks losing
what he has in order to satisfy that curiosity. Better to be patient and
wait for the Creator to bring things into one's life to enjoy them, than
to be so curious that you have to overstep bounds, going hellbent
to satisfy a curiousity.
Adam and Eve had potential
for a continuous great life, but and maybe because it was handed to them,
they took
it for granted. And thus began their downfall. They seemed not to be
thankful for what they had, which was everything anyone could want. Instead
they allowed curiosity to lead them astray. Because of that, life became
a struggle:.Genesis
The first recorded act of
Adam was his giving names to the beasts of the field and the fowls of the
air, which the Creator brought to him for this:.Genesis
see that from the beginning that the Creator was enjoying a relationship
with man).
Thereafter the Lord caused
a deep sleep to fall upon him and while in an unconscious state, took one
of his ribs and closed up his flesh again and of this rib he made a woman
whom he presented to him when he awoke.
Adam received her as his
and said:.Genesis
2:23 "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall
be called woman.(meaning
'weaker man'), because she was taken
out of man."
He called her
Eve, because she was the mother of all living.
Eve or 'life', 'living'
was the name given by Adam to
the original has it, because she was the mother of all living:.Genesis
3:20 "And Adam called his wife's.(original
Eve." Genesis 4:1 "And Adam knew.(had
sex with).Eve
his wife and she conceived
and bare Cain
and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord."
When she gave birth to her
first son, she said."I
have gotten a man from the Lord",.(Revised
have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.").thus
she welcomed Cain, realizing birth was a process the Creator had made to
make new life possible.
The account of her creation
is given in.Genesis
2:21,22 "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and
he slept. And he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.("instead
thereof".is not
in the original according to the most reliable translations).
And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and
brought her unto the man."
The Creator could see that
it wasn't the best for man to be alone:.Genesis
2:18 "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be
alone. I will make him an help meet.(or,
'fitting and able to support').for
By creating for him a suitable
companion, the Creator gave sanction to monogamy.
He created Adam and Eve,
not Adam and Eve and Susan or Adam and Steve, but did allow polygamy.(more
than one female sexual partner one could be committed to and therefor take
care of her).in
the Old Testament:.Genesis
2:24, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall
cleave unto his wife and
they shall be one flesh."
In the New Testament we are
totally free to live from our hearts and to learn what works to have an
ever increasing relationship with the Father in heaven. Heaven is
inside you and it's higher
consciousness that lifts you to that level of living.
Having more than one physical
women, for example or even one women with two men),.I
think, would require too much effort away from a relationship with
the Creator in order to have the increasing depth each physical relationship
would normally demand.
Too many women equals too
little time for spiritual concerns. So, where's the priority? would be
the question to answer. A quest
toward a deeper relationship with the Creator and also a deepening relationship
with one's partner, would seem to be the best for one hot
on the spiritual path and especially so in this busy day and age.
This companion was taken
from his side to signify that she was to be beside him and involved as
a help in what all needed to be done; not off and away as some career woman
sacrificing her love of husband and children due to an acquisitive
She was not taken from his
head, lest she should rule over him, nor from his feet, lest he should
tyrannize over her; but from his side, to denote
equality which is to subsist.(to
remain or continue in existence).in
the marriage state.(adaptability).
And again:.That
wife/woman that is of Creator's making by special grace and of His bringing
by special
is likely to prove the right helpmeet to her man.
Through the
temptation of the serpent.(story
in Genesis 3:1-13).working
on Eve's curiosity,
she violated the guidance given by the Creator for their good, by taking
of the forbidden fruit, which she gave also unto her man Adam:.1Timothy
2:13-15 "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was
in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing.(fulfilling
her purpose as woman having children),
if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." 2Corinthians
11:3 "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled
Eve through his subtilty,
so your minds
should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
It is
simple to always love. It cleanses all the crap.(Luke
11:41), manipulation
and confusion
from one's life..
In the beginning the Creator
told Adam what's best for him and what wasn't. But that wasn't believed
by him. Today
it's different.
Please also see about
Adam and the second death.