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-1Timothy 2:1 What are all the different kinds of prayers talked of here?

Clark's Commentary:."Supplications".imply a sense of need and insufficiency, and are prayers for averting evils of every kind;."Prayers".here refer to talking to the Infinite One to obtain the good things, spiritual and temporal;."Intercessions".are prayers.(to the Infinite One).on behalf of others;."Giving of thanks".are praises to the Infinite One, as the parent of all good, for all the blessings which we and others have received.

-What to pray and meditate and contemplate about is a list of scriptures you can make up to use for contemplation in your prayer/meditation/contemplation time.

Some to get you going:
...The Lord's Prayer that Christ Emmanuel taught to those listening:.Matthew 6:9-15.
...the so-called Beatitudes:.Matthew 5:1-12.
...Philippians 4:4-8.
...Colossians 1:9-12.

And other main scriptures for quick perusal.

A prayer one can pray to keep the demons away: From Gene Decode https://rumble.com/vnxger-gene-decode-world-q-and-a-sat-oct-16-2021.html

A prayer of Gene's for us all to clean up from subtle brainwashing we've all been exposed to and to clean up so many other things the cabal has done which affect us, such as the nanodust, smartdust, graphene oxide and more from vaccines, chemtrails, genetically modified food, etc. The prayer is from about 32 and goes to about 40 min. into the video: 

Preliminary to the prayer: What is a being? A being is something such as us, human beings or people from beyond the Earth, such as star seeds. They are still human beings. If they are not sentient, but are being used by the cabal, such as the Vril, parasites that are life forms, then they are not human, just as an insect is not human.

And there are thought forms, which are things like when they do satanic spells, some of the spells become a powerful thought and can actually move out as an energy wave and can have detrimental effects, even killing an individual, so stopping those type of thought forms needs to be done. For protection one can use gene Decode's invocation, below. And if having trouble getting and staying asleep, this works to always give you a good sleep.

And then there are entities having no self-awareness or maybe a hybrid having two souls in one body, so it's not really one being, but a mixture.

And there are assemblages, beings that are known as fallen angels, those sort of things. As you ascend from 3rd density you accrue the number of 'you's' from parallel timelines that have already made choices and let's hope they were positive choices as this adds to you, completes you. It's always a composition of 12 at each density so you get to know what each was and then you don't have to wonder 'if I'd done this, what would have happened'?.

To remove unwanted negatives affecting you. Use when you feel it's needed. Best to say it three times when you do. The latest prayer is read to you when you click the pic. 

Here is one. Also, the most recent one is on Telegram.(get the Telegram app only at https://telegram.org, not from the Apple, Android or Windows stores, as some have been doctored to collect your information).at https://t.me/RealGeneDecode/948 or.you can read the latest version here...

This one here is an adapted older one:."All beings, life forces, entities, awarenesses, assemblages and all else that exists that does not have my highest interest and the highest interests of all life everywhere or is not in the highest service to the one, true God of all creation in thought, form, action, deed and in all ways including all artificial intelligences and technologies that are part of or supporting them and all life not created by the ONLY true God of all creations, I demand you to leave my.(and those I love).mind, spirit, body and soul, all that I.(and those I love).am on all dimensions, densities, levels and locations, now and forever.

All permissions to create or maintain attachments, infiltrate from within or without, cohabitate or possess in part or in whole, affect or defect in any way, to feed off of, manipulate, change, alter or create any pain, suffering or distortions to my.(our).mind, thoughts, feelings, body, genetics or any part of what I.(we).am.(are).is now permanently and forever removed. Any contracts, agreements or obligations I.(we).have made that are not in the highest interest of all life everywhere and not in the highest service to the one true God of all creation, I.(we).now declare null and void.

Any rents, tears, holes or missing areas of any kind in any of what I.(we).am.(are).is to be filled and protected by the indwelling of the light of the Holy Spirit, the word of the one true God of all creation and the healing and compassion of His only begotten son Jesus Christ. As it is said it is now done and sealed in the authority of the one true God of all creations, the living God of all love, light, creations and compassion, the Holy Spirit and their only begotten son, Jesus Christ."....Tetelestai.

Why to daily use the Invocation? Each day what you have achieved in spiritual growth, moves you into a higher level. Just as a flower grows a bit each day, so it is with us on the spiritual path. Every day a little further along it. And just as the physical body's food needs replenishing, so do spiritual things.  

And why the Invocation is needed.

Another spiritual warfare prayer of protection.

"We are all born into greatness and conditioned into mediocrity."
...James Arthur Ray