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NT and OT Questions

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1st and 2nd Timothy

-1Timothy 1:5.What is a good conscience and why is it worth having?

-1Timothy 1:8.Does this indicate we should keep the commandments law as contained within the Mosaic Law?

-1Timothy 1:14.What does it mean here."with faith and love which is in Christ Emmanuel"?

-1Timothy 2:1 What are all the different kinds of prayers talked of here?

-1Timothy 3:16.What is the."mystery of Godliness"?

-1Timothy 4:1,2.What is the."seared conscience".being talked of here?

-1Timothy 4:10.What does it mean."savior of all but especially of those who believe"?

-1Timothy 5:12 What does 1Timothy 5:12 mean?

-1Timothy 5:12.What does this verse mean?

-1Timothy 6:9.What does this phrase mean?.("...drown men in destruction and perdition.")

-1Timothy 6:16 Here is says that only God has eternality. That is disappointing. I thought we too have eternality.

-2Timothy 1:10.Why does Paul say this? Doesn't he know people still die?

-2Timothy 2:8.Why does Paul emphasize remembering what he says here?

-2Timothy 2:15,16.What does it mean to."rightly divide the word of God"?

-2Timothy 4:14,15 Paul sounds vindictive here in this scripture

-2Timothy 4:17.Was this an actualization or a figure of speech?

-2Timothy 4:17,18. Paul had such faith that he would be kept whole right up to the time he would be in the kingdom of God, the rule of the realm of God on Earth, yet he was beheaded by Nero's order.

-2Timothy 3:1.What/when are the last days?

-2Timothy 3:2.Why in such hard times would men be unholy? Usually men draw closer to God in difficult times.

-2Timothy 3:15.What does it mean."the scriptures can make you wise unto salvation through faith"?
