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W o r s h i p  -  W h a t  I s  I t ?  W h y  I s  I t ?
p a g e  2

Hebrews 13:15 "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.".The sacrifices for today are...

But we often sacrifice ourselves to idols, not even realizing it. What idols?

Hebrews 2:12 "Saying, I will declare your name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto you."

If spiritual persons focus more on evangelizing religious doctrines.(teachings).with all their differences, than on love for each other, they are."teaching the commandments of men".and not the love of God, consequently worshipping God in vain.(Matthew 15:9).with an alternate gospel. This was the kind of worship the Pharisees of the time of Emmanuel engaged in.

They modified the law of Moses.(the Mosaic Law), to their own purposes by adding enough crap to corrupt it. What did they add?

What did Emmanuel think of them?:.Matthew 23:1-33. They felt that the Mosaic Law was such that they could add to it. It was an incomplete law but how could they know this with the attitude they had? They may have figured 'let's complete it our way'.

We worship the Creator in spirit and in truth:.John 4:23,24; Philippians 3:3. It is through the unity of the Spirit.(and the spirit, the nature of the Great Infinite One, is love, totally, completely and absolutely love:.1John 4:8,16).we are brethren:.Colossians 1:12.

It is not not the agreeing and coming to agreement regarding doctrines, but rather love where we walk in agreement:.Amos 3:3.

It is in confidence.(Hebrews 3:14).in His promises that we are made partakers of the divine nature of Christ:.2Peter 1:4

By means of various trials and sufferings and the character they mold, we will be glad when Christ's glory is revealed, as we will be thinking.(Galatians 4:19).as He does:.1Peter 4:13.

And, we act from our thoughts!


"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision
just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world."
...Joel A. Barker