-Since so much has
changed since the New Testament.(since
was on Earth).came,
has anything changed in how we worship the Creator?
Comprised from.Fausset's
Bible Dictionary: In the Old
Testament they sang praises to God and there were courses of singers
and there some who were 'taught to sing praise'. Instruments were
appointed for singers.(1Kings
3:18,19 at the end of the prophet's poetical 'prayer' it says."To
the chief singer on my stringed instruments".
And in.Psalms
68:25 "The singers went before, the players on instruments followed
after; among them were the damsels.(young
women or girls).playing
with timbrels". Psalms
Jeremiah 31:12,13;
18:6; 1Chronicles 15:16;
Lamentations 5:14,15.
In today's New
Testament times they that worship.(meaning
of the word 'worship').the
Infinite One worship Him in spirit and in truth.(worship
is a good spiritual
discipline; it means 'attention'):.John
4:23; 1Corinthians 14:15.
It seems more an alone personal thing and also between a few:.Matthew
26:30; Colossians 3:16; Acts
It is nice to sing and dance
when celebrating:.Luke
Ancient David sang and danced
often when he was happy in God:.2Samuel
5:19. He wasn't always happy in God, nor was God also happy with him,
but that was because of him and he came to see this. See
Some favorite
hymns of people, many of these also based on the Psalms,
both written long ago.
A group of believers meeting
and being thankful that the Holy nature of love
is flowing in them will often be stirred to express
themselves with a song. It is a way to serve one another, an encouraging
A choir
singing to a congregation
to inspire them is great, but to use organized 'churchianity' to 'infuse'
them with emotions before money is collected, has a negative connotation
to many. Timing shows it is more of doing to get, than of expressing thankfulness,
'gotta put 'em in the mood for givin', cause we don't think they'll be
in the mood for givin' all by themselves'. So, many churches, in error,
just don't believe that hearts of people are already the way they think
they should be.
is it that some meditation gurus tell us to be aware of the breath when
doing what's called breathing meditations and is this some kind of preferred
-Thankful to God for