on Dark Matter:.Dark
matter is neutral in polarity,
it is unaffected by fields of electromagnetism.
Dark matter is not part of
the nuclear force, the nuclear
interactions of matter. It interacts by way of the
weak force.(radioactive
force or gravity, which are both variances
in electromagnetism).
From an interview with Dr.
John Hagelin.(www.hagelin.org),
Harvard trained Ph.D., quantum physicist and world
peace worker, using the proven results of meditation:."Today's
field theories based on the superstring
and even previous unified field theories, require the principle of supersymmetry.
"Supersymmetry is a symmetry
principle in nature of a bizarre type; one that was only proposed about
20 years ago. Supersymmetry says that for every particle
of any given spin
type, let's say the spin 1 photon.(a
photon is an elementary particle
of light and has an intrinsic
spin equal to one unit of Planck's
Constant), that particle will have
a mirror particle or so called super symmetric partner of a different spin.
In this case a spin ½ photino. A spin 1 photon, by the way, is a
a spin ½ photon is a fermion.
Because integral spin 1 particles, spin 0, spin 1, spin 2 are called bosons;
half integral spin particles, like spin ½ and spin 3/2
are called fermions. And bosons and fermions have such fundamentally different
properties that we give a name to one major category, a boson and the other
major category fermion. And never the twain shall meet. And they really
have diametrically
opposed properties.
"Therefore it was radical
to suggest there might be some unifying principle that could link
a fermion, like a spin ½ photino, to a boson, like the spin 1 photon
of electromagnetism. But
such a symmetry
does exist. And that would predict that for every type of particle we know,
including the photon, the graviton, etc., there will be a mirror particle
with a different spin. Bosons will have a fermionic mirror particle; fermions
will have a bosonic mirror particle and the photon for example, will have
a photino mirror particle. We haven't found one yet. They are really a
little too heavy to have been produced in the laboratories so far. But
we expect to produce these supersymmetric particles in the relatively near
future in the laboratory. And that will be a spectacular confirmation of
this unifying principle of supersymmetry that unites diametrically opposite
types of particles and forces in nature."
But, how can we enliven the
Unified Field in individual awareness, so important for the peace of humanity?
From an article.Enlivening
infinite creativity in human awareness through the experience of the Unified
Field of Natural Law, Part I by a Global Good News Staff Writer:."In
a 2007 Global Press Conference on Poverty Removal at the Global Financial
Capital of New York.(globalfinancialcapitalny.org),
Dr John Hagelin discussed the development of human creativity through the
direct experience of Nature's infinite creativity within our own transcendental
"Dr Hagelin explained that
the recent discovery of the Unified Field or E8 x E8 heterotic.superstring
field as it is known in the language of Unified
Quantum Field Theory, represents the fulfilment of Einstein's lifelong
dream of a single unified source of the diversified
laws of nature. Unified Field theory is the crowning achievement of fifty
years of advanced research in quantum gravity
Hagelin brought to light the discovery of the unified field and Nassim
Haramein proved its existence in his free movie.The
Connected Universe.
all else we see and know of in the physical universe, nature too,
is God.."Nature
is God."....Bruno
Gröning. What
is God?
Hagelin said that the Unified Field theory locates a single, universal,
unified field of nature's intelligence at the basis of all.(2Corinthians
and phenomena
of the universe. The Unified Field is the unified fountainhead of all the
diverse streams of natural law governing the universe at every level, the
grand unified, electroweak unified, nuclear, atomic, molecular, macroscopic,
astrophysical and cosmological scales.
"Dr. Hagelin said "This is
not a philosophical discovery, it is a precise mathematical discovery of
the foremost magnitude. This super-formula as it is called or Lagrangian,
expresses this unified reality at the basis of nature's functioning. All
the atoms and molecules, macroscopic objects, stars and galaxies, everything
in the multiverse emerges from the self-interacting dynamics of the Unified
Field. Creativity is defined in terms of that which can create and there's
nothing as creative as the Unified Field which gives rise to the entire
universe and not just ours."
is so intelligent. Nature keeps
track of paired electrons. Nature can open
and close the petals of flowers without any damage to them. And the
amazing design in the sunflower.
trees have special chemicals to ward
off pests, providing in the process germ free air. Get out in the forest
often to stay healthy.
"Dr. Hagelin said that the
Unified Field continuously percolates
an uncountable infinity of effervescent
universes all the time, each with a wide variety of laws of nature, but
all based upon the self-same Constitution of the Universe, the self-same
blueprint, the
blueprint of the Unified Field.
"Now, the Vedic
science of Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi and the technologies
that directly engage the Unified Field, these developmental technologies
of consciousness,
such as the Transcendental Meditation technique, turn human awareness within
to experience and explore deeper levels of mind, deeper levels of human
intelligence, culminating
in the direct experience of the Unified Field, this field of nature's infinite
creativity', Dr Hagelin said.
"By enlivening this field
of creativity in the awareness.(by
meditating), creativity grows in human
awareness realm. This is the more profound
way of understanding the growth of creativity in the individual mind
and its awareness, not just in terms of coherent
brain (that is, a properly functioning brain), which is really an important
side-effect or epiphenomenon
of the more fundamental
phenomenon of direct experience of (pure transcendental)
consciousness at the basis of mind.
"Transcendental Meditation
and its advanced techniques,
including Yogic Flying, are techniques to directly experience and tap the
creativity of Nature, to directly experience and enliven the Unified Field
in individual awareness.(this
enlivening is done through you improving in spirituality by using spiritual
disciplines; you have to do something in order to produce something
{you can't even eat unless you take some action to do it}).
These techniques are also central to all the developmental projects of
the Global Country of World Peace and the Global Financial Capital of New
York, Dr Hagelin said."....(back
to unified field and health)