is with the Creator in the invisible world?
is God?
made God?
are there problems in the first place?
can't we see Him now?
did God allow such slaughters of people in the Old Testament, in recent
history and even today?
did God create evil?
did God create humanity?
did God create the multiverse so big?
did God forsake Emmanuel at this time?
did God make us?
did God make us with the shapes we have?
did this Infinite One write the Bible?
did one of the God Family.(Christ).become
didn't God make us perfect as He did the angels?
do you need Bruno if you can go directly to God yourself?
does God allow things to get worse in the lives of humans?
does Soul connection matter?
doesn't God give us a better heart, meaning a better attitude. If He
did that for ancient Saul, why isn't He doing it for all humanity? It would
make it a better world. God also created the angels perfect; what happened?
does the Creator seem here to show such favoritism, when it also says in
the Bible that He is no respecter of persons?
doesn't God show His love more for us?
doesn't God straighten things out here on Earth?
God got rid of sin.
was the Creator as described in the Old Testament appearing so different
as compared to the New Testament?
is the Creator called the Father?
is Emmanuel called the Lamb of God?
would Creator-God, being good, do such a thing as this; deceiving in order
to destroy these type of humans?
God remake the Earth again like he did in Genesis?
we ever see God face to face?
we see Christ come back to Earth from Heaven?
it make sense that a loving Creator would withhold that which would
keep one well until one prays for it?