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Q u e s t i o n s  A b o u t  G o d  L i s t
p a g e  1

-Attributes of God are what?

-Before God what was there?

-Can we see God?

-Did God create light in transit?.Was the speed of light faster in the past? If the multiverse is young and it takes millions of years for light to get to us from many stars, how can we see them? What about the 'big bang'?

-Did God create the world in seven literal days?

-Did the Creator make us good?

-Did the Creator predestinate me to be born into a particular family?

-Did the Creator write the Bible?

-Did Emmanuel have a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene?

-Does Creator-God get angry?

-Does God like wrestling?

-Does God make mistakes?

-Does God see us?

-Does God sit on an actual throne judging His creation to have His fun, similar to us playing games?

-Does God care for some people more than for others? and what's God care about?

-Does this being we often call God change his mind?

-Does.the Creator get tired?

-Does the Creator get upset with us?

-Does the Creator have a face?

-Does the Creator have a shape?

-Does Creator have a voice?

-Does the Creator have problems?

-Does the Creator influence events?

-Does the Creator know about me and love me? How important are you?

-Does the Creator know what's going on here or does He just not care about all the wars, heartaches, illnesses, greed, destruction and any other hurtful negatives you could mention?

-Does the Creator sleep?

-Does the Creator try us?

-God saves us

-God teaches lessons; why?

-God wants us in His family

-God's greatness; where does it say this?

-How and why God acts as He does.

-Has anyone seen Him?

-How.big is God?.(and if you want to know His size? 1, 2)

-How can the Creator be responsible for the good and the evil?

-How can the Creator know how many hairs on our head that we have and how can He know about the sparrows?

-How close is the Creator?

-How does God create?

-How can God hear the prayers of everyone all at once?

-How do we listen to the Creator?

-How does the Creator bring physical things into manifestation? How does this Great Infinite Intelligence work with what is in our minds and His mind to bring things from mental images of things into their physical manifestation? When will I receive?

-How does the Creator see?

-How does the Creator speak to us, through His Son or the Holy Spirit?

-How important are you? Does the Creator know about me and love me?

-If God controls the world, why does God say to come out of it?

-If this Great Infinite Being is able to save us all.(*), and He is responsible for those whose minds become opened.(*), then why will He put so many through the heartaches of a great tribulation?

-In Creation page three, it mentions that "the Creator is truly man", yet in Numbers 23:19 it says the Creator is not a man. How are these statements reconciled?

-Is Christ the Comforter or is the Holy Spirit the Comforter?

-Is the Creator cruel? Sure seems so when you read the Old Testament. The Bible talks about the Creator being comforting, but wasn't God all for cruelty in Old Testament times, wasn't He destructive or used the dark side for destruction, not only allowing it, but giving instruction to wipe others out including women and children? Why such a contrast between the Creator in the Old Testament and the Creator in the New Testament when it says God doesn't change.(Malachi 3:6 "For I am the Lord, I change not....")? Yet, in the New, God says to love your enemies and to do good to them?

-Is God jealous?

-Is the Creator man-like?

-Is the Creator fair?

-Is the Creator in control of everything or is he in a struggle with the devil?

-Is the Creator just the God of men? What about women?

-Is the Creator one?

-Is the Holy Spirit the power of the Creator, the Father, or is Christ the power of the Creator?

-Should we be asking forgiveness from God?

-Should we really be living by every word of God?

-Many religious groups talk about the 'trinity', meaning the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are three in One, but I looked up the word trinity and it doesn't occur in the Bible; so just what is the 'trinity'?

-My pastor talks about following God. What does he mean?

-Psalms 11:5.The Infinite One teaches lessons. Why?

-Was Emmanuel's father the Holy Ghost?

-What about us is important to God?

-What are the Creator's goals?

-What does the Creator do with us after death?

-What does God exist for?

-What does God look for here?

-What does God saving humanity mean?

-What does God want?

-What does it look like where God is?

-What does it mean Christ fully formed in us?

-What does it mean to "accept" Christ? and does this mean that to be saved, we need to accept Christ as our personal savior?

-What does it mean to draw near to God?

-What does it mean to "follow God"?

-What does the Creator look like?

-What if I leave God and later come back?

-What is God?

-What is God like?

-What is God's nature?

-What is God's plan for us? And, overall, what is God working out on Earth?

-What is God's work?

-What is it like at God's 'home'?

-What is most important to God?

-What is some of God's will?

-What is the covenant God made with Abraham? 

-What is the fear of the Lord?

-What is the trinity?

-What is this Christ all about, that so many of religion talk of today?

-What kind of a house does God live in?

-What pleases God?

-What should I do?

-When will I receive anything from the Creator?

-Where did God come from?

-Where does the Creator-God live?

-Where is the Creator?
