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NT and OT Questions

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1 P e t e r

-1Peter 1:7 My life has been awful, even since becoming a Christian. Everything seems to work adversely for me if not at first, later. Romans 8:28 does not seem to work for me. Are not spiritual persons promised super abundance and that their every prayer will be answered?

-1Peter 1:16 What's it mean here where it says."Be holy"?

-1Peter 1:20.Will the world ever end as people have long been saying?

-1Peter 1:23.Which is the most accurate Bible translation?

-1Peter 2:6.What does it mean here."confounded"?

-1Peter 2:7,8.What does the word."disobedient".mean here?

-1Peter 2:9.Is Emmanuel the one who 'calls' people or God the Father? 

-1Peter 2:9.What does it mean to."show forth the praises of Him"?

-1Peter 2:20.What's it mean to glory in our sufferings? And, if only faith is acceptable to God (Hebrews 11:6), why does it refer here to this scripture in 1Peter 2:20 as being acceptable?

-1Peter 2:21 How are we to follow the example of suffering of Christ? Or is this what this verse means?

-1Peter 3:1-6 I am a feminist and take issue with this. Men have dominated women to their hurt since the beginning of time, and I feel verses like this in the Bible simply perpetuate male dominance.

-1Peter 3:6.What does it mean with."with any amazement"?

-1Peter 3:15.My pastor gets perturbed with me asking questions and questions.

-1Peter 3:19.Does this mean that after death some or maybe all persons go into a sort of prison?

-1Peter 3:21.How does."the like figure of baptism save us".but."not the putting away of the filth of the flesh"

-1Peter 4:1.What is this."suffering in the flesh to cease from sin"?

-1Peter 4:6.What does it mean preaching to the dead?
-1Peter 4:6.What does it mean to be."in the Spirit"?
-1Peter 4:6.What does it mean to be."judged according to men in the flesh but live according to God"?

-1Peter 4:17.What does this mean?.(about the end result of unbelievers)

-1Peter 4:18.Does this imply the righteous will barely make it into the Kingdom of God?

-1Peter 4:19.What does the Bible mean when it says we are to suffer?

-1Peter 5:14 and Romans 16:16, 1Corinthians 16:20, 2Corinthians 13:12, 1Thessalonians 5:26:.Should we be kissing each other?

Why is there always money for war, but not education?