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NT and OT Questions

Q u e s t i o n s  O n  N e w  T e s t a m e n t  B o o k s

J o h n
1 to 13th chapters....14 to 21st chapters

-John 14:2.Re."In My house are many mansions."

-John 14:3.When will He."come again".as it says here?

-John 14:12.Are we to do greater works than Emmanuel and he raised the dead?

-John 14:17.How can I be absolutely sure that Christ is in me and that I have eternal life and am in the truth of God?

-John 14:27.What does it mean here "as the world gives peace"?

-John 15:1-7.Does this mean God will get rid of those who don't grow spiritually?

-John 15:5.What does it mean."without Him, we can do nothing"?

-John 16:8.What does it mean to."reprove the world of sin"?

-John 16:13.How can I know if guidance (things that come to my mind) is from God or not? Also, How does guidance come?

-John 17:9.Why didn't Emmanuel pray for the 'world', as it says here?

-John 17:21.Are Christ and the Father both in us?

-John 17:24.If we don't go to what is commonly believed to be heaven, what did Emmanuel mean in His prayer here?

-John 18:5,6 Why did all these corrupt religious leaders fall backwards and to the ground when Emmanuel told them who He was?

-John 19:11.What does it mean here."he that has the greater sin"?

-John 20:16,17.Is Emmanuel the Christ our spiritual brother? I thought that he was above us as very God.

-John 20:23.What does this mean about remitting and retaining sins?

-John 20:31 and Acts 4:12.Do we have to believe in Emmanuel name to be saved. What if someone never had a chance to hear the name of Emmanuel in order to be saved?

...John 1 to 13th chapter Questions