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NT and OT Questions

Q u e s t i o n s  O n  N e w  T e s t a m e n t  B o o k s

M a t t h e w
chapters 1-9; chapters 10-17; chapters 18-22; chapters 23-28

-Matthew 18:7.What is this verse referring to?

-Matthew 18:8.Did Emmanuel really mean for us to live by every word of God when He talked about cutting off the foot?

-Matthew 18:10.Does this mean that we each have a guardian angel?

-Matthew 18:18.What does this binding and loosing on Earth and in heaven mean?

-Matthew 18:20.Do two or more have to be in worship before Christ will be there?

-Matthew 19:9.Does this mean we should not get divorced? 

-Matthew 19:16.How can we be sure that we will live eternally?

-Matthew 19:17 and Mark 10:18 say there are none that are good, only Creator-God? Surely, if God is in us, then we too are good.

-Matthew 19:17-19 If the Mosaic Law is done away, why did Emmanuel tell this man to keep the commandments?

-Matthew 19:21.Did Emmanuel really want us to sell all we have, give it to the poor and have nothing?

-Matthew 19:18.Are those who have killed in war guilty of murder and go to hell?

-Matthew 19:24.What does it mean here about the rich?

-Matthew 19:28.What does."the regeneration".here refer to?

-Matthew 19:29.Are we to give up all for Christ's sake?

-Matthew 19:30.What's it mean."the first are last"?

-Matthew 21:21,22, 17:20, Mark 11:23.What about having faith to cast mountains into the sea and all things we pray about we will receive?

-Matthew 21:31.What will we be doing in the Kingdom of God?

-Matthew 22:23.Was Emmanuel seen after He rose from the dead?

-Matthew 22:30.Does fornication mean 'no sex before marriage' and if you do, then its called fornication? And what about the word 'marriage'? Does it mean 'a wedding ceremony' and does adultery mean 'having sex with someone married'. Is this from the Bible?
    And, will we be able to enjoy sex in the Kingdom Of God?.Mark 12:25.
    And, can angels marry and reproduce in their human form as it seems to indicate in Genesis 6:2?
