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NT and OT Questions

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M a t t h e w

chapters 1-9; chapters 10-17; chapters 18-22; chapters 23-28

-Matthew 1:18.Why do they portray Christ as a child at Christmas? Was Emmanuel's Father the Holy Ghost or God the Father?

-Matthew 3:2.Should we repent to God every time we sin?

-Matthew 3:8.What are the."fruits of repentance"?

-Matthew 3:11.What does it mean here."baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire"?

-Matthew 3:15.What does it mean here that Emmanuel came to."fulfil all righteousness"?

-Matthew 4:4 Did Emmanuel really mean for us to live by every word of God when He talked about plucking out the eyes and cutting off the hands in Matthew 5:29,30?

-Matthew 4:6.What about 'stubbing one's foot'?

-Matthew 5:3.What does."poor in spirit".mean?

-Matthew 5:12.says our reward is in heaven. Yet other scriptures indicate, we'll reign on the Earth?

-Matthew 5:14-16.What did Emmanuel mean when He said that we are the."light of the world"?

-Matthew 5:16.How does this scripture about letting one's light shine, square with the scripture about doing your works in secret (Matthew 6:1-4)?

-Matthew 5:17 Did Emmanuel not say that He came to fulfill the law? Why then would it be done away?

-Matthew 5:25.Is this saying that we should at all costs not go to court with our adversary?

-Matthew 5:29.Is Emmanuel here talking of the place we commonly call hell, that ever burning location somewhere in the Earth?

-Matthew 5:34.Why did Emmanuel say not to swear.(make an oath).by referring to such things.(Matthew 5:36).as heaven, etc.?
   Where is God's throne?

-Matthew 5:39.Should we be forgiving even if others hurt us and they are unrepentant.(don't change).and remain the same? And here, turn to him the other cheek? 
   And why does God tell us not to resist evil? And it seems contradictory when looking at James 4:7 where it says 'to resist the devil'?

-Matthew 5:41.What about this being compelled to go a mile by some authority?

-Matthew 5:42.What about giving to bums who accost you on the street?

-Matthew 5:44.How can we "heal" our enemies and turn them into friends?

-Matthew 6:7.At the end of every prayer in church, they always say "and we ask all this and give thanks in the name of Emmanuel, Amen." Couldn't this become vain repetition as it says here?

-Matthew 6:14.How can one get rid of an unforgiving attitude?
If we are already for all time forgiven why did Emmanuel say this?

-Matthew 6:15.What does this scripture mean?

-Matthew 6:23 and Luke 11:36.What does this mean."...if the light in you is darkness.."? How can light be darkness? and what's it mean to have an 'evil eye'?

-Matthew 6:33.What does it mean to seek the Kingdom Of God as it says here?

-Matthew 6:34.What does it mean."sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof"?

-Matthew 7:1,2, Luke 6:37.Are we not to make judgments as it seems to indicate here?

-Matthew 7:7,8.This sounds too easy!

-Matthew 7:14.What did Emmanuel mean."strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life and few find it"?

-Matthew 7:22,23.How can people do wonderful works and still be iniquitous, as it says here?

-Matthew 8:11; Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-9; Luke 9:28-36 and Luke 23:43.seem to indicate that we go to be with Emmanuel upon death?

-Matthew 8:12 I don't understand here why the children of the kingdom will be cast out and be angry.

-In Matthew 8:22 Emmanuel sounds so rash here, so uncaring and also similarly in Luke 14:26. What's He saying?

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and
we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it! (*)