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NT and OT Questions

Q u e s t i o n s  O n  N e w  T e s t a m e n t  B o o k s

M a t t h e w
chapters 1-9; chapters 10 to 17; chapters 18-22; chapters 23-28

-Matthew 10:7-10.Are we today supposed to do what is mentioned to Christ's disciples here, that of raising the dead and freely giving to others, etc.?

-Matthew 10:9,10 talks of the disciples back then being instructed to not take two coats on the journey. Why?

-Matthew 10:28 It says here that God can destroy both the body and soul in hell and that we should fear God who can do this? Why, somehow does this not make sense?

-Matthew 10:29-31.Did God predestinate me to be born into a particular family?

-Matthew 10:34-36 and Luke 12:51.If Christ came to bring peace on Earth, why on Earth did He say this?

-Matthew 10:37.What does it mean here that we are unworthy if we love our father or mother more than Emmanuel? What kind of an idiot is this Emmanuel anyway?

-Matthew 10:39 and Luke 17:33.How do we lose our lives for His sake?

-Matthew 10:42.What is discipleship?

-Matthew 11:11.Why does this scripture say that none was greater than John the Baptist? I thought Emmanuel would have been greater?

-Matthew 11:12.What does it mean."the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force"?

-Matthew 12:3,4 and Mark 2:26.Why did David escape penalty for breaking the law here and Uzzah didn't?

-Matthew 12:28.Why did this woman have such great faith and some others, like me, don't seem to have so much?

-Matthew 12:30.Emmanuel seemed serious and not lighthearted. If we are to follow Emmanuel example, should we also be serious and avoid being lighthearted?

-Matthew 12:31,32.What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and is this an unforgivable sin? Is there really any act we could do where the God who created us would use that to permanently reject us?

-Matthew 12:36.What does."having to give account for every idle word".mean?

-Matthew 12:37.Why are we either justified or condemned by our words?

-Matthew 12:40.Why Good Friday?

-Matthew 13:13 If Emmanuel knew that all His messages to the people back then would be mostly over their heads, why then did He expend His time and energy to try to teach them?

-Matthew 13:22.What is the deceitfulness of riches talked about in this verse?

-Matthew 13:23.How do we receive seed into."the good ground"?

-Matthew 13:38 and 25:41.Don't these prove there is an everlasting hell awaiting those rejecting God?

-Matthew 13:41,42.How can there be anything in God's kingdom that offends? How can I be sure I'm not one of those that 'qualify' for the fiery furnace? 

-Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30.This sounds like Emmanuel was insolent to this Greek, Syrophenician woman?

-Matthew 16:28.Did these people here see the Kingdom of God?

-Matthew 17:1-4.seems to show that some are now with Christ in the Kingdom of God?

-Matthew 17:1-8; 8:11; Mark 9:2-9; Luke 9:28-36 and Luke 23:43.seem to indicate that we go to be with Emmanuel upon death?

-Matthew 17:20, 21:21,22, Mark 11:23.What about having faith to cast mountains into the sea and all things we pray about we will receive?
