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NT and OT Questions

Q u e s t i o n s  O n  N e w  T e s t a m e n t  B o o k s

M a t t h e w
chapters 1-9; chapters 10-17; chapters 18-22; chapters 23-28

-Matthew 23:8.Why did Emmanuel say this about Christ?

-Matthew 23:9.What does."call no man your father mean"?

-Matthew 23:13.How were these people prevented from entering the kingdom, the rule of God and why weren't these Jews back then interested in the rule of God when they seemed so dedicated to the exactness of the truth?

-Matthew 23:23.Is tithing for those in the Christian church today?

-Matthew 23:33.What is the."damnation of hell".Emmanuel was here speaking of? And what and where is this place called hell?

-Matthew 24th chapter.Is this chapter in Matthew also talking of today?

-Matthew 24:11.What is a false prophet?

-Matthew 24:12.What is the iniquity that shall abound?

-Matthew 24:14.Should we be going door to door and trying to hand out literature to others to bring them to God? Was this scripture fulfilled in the days of the original disciples? Here it says to."go into all the world".and here it says to come out of the world? Seems confusing.

-Matthew 24:15.What is the."abomination that causes desolation"?

-Matthew 24:21.Does this mean that there is yet another great tribulation coming before the return of Christ who will step in to prevent further destruction?

-Matthew 24:24 and Colossians 3:12.Who are the elect?

-Matthew 24:29,30 talks about Christ coming immediately after the tribulation, but in 2Thessalonians 1:6,7,10 it is shown that Christ is revealed from heaven with his angels when those who are his, those having believed in him, are in the midst of trouble. How can this be?

-Matthew 25:24-26 Emmanuel seemed serious and not lighthearted. If we are to follow Emmanuel example, should we also be serious and avoid being lighthearted?

-Matthew 25:31.What is the."throne of His glory".mentioned here?

-Matthew 25:41 and 13:38-42.Don't these prove there is an everlasting hell awaiting those rejecting God?

-Matthew 25:46.Is the everlasting punishment talked of here hell?

-Matthew 26:65-68.Why were they so cruel to Emmanuel?

-Matthew 27:5 comparing with Acts 1:18:.Why are there seemingly contradictory accounts of the death of Judas, who betrayed Emmanuel?

-Matthew 27:46.Why did the Father forsake Emmanuel at this time?
