-Is circumcision
necessary for those in the
God family today?
warned Christians about those who tried to get them back under the old
covenant by claiming that certain things were necessary to do to keep in
a right stead
with their Creator:.Philippians
3:2,3; Titus 1:10; Galatians
2:12; 5:6-11; 6:12,13;
11:2; 21:20,21,28. It's
much the same today with Christmas, Easter, Valentine's day, etc.:.Hebrews
Those of the circumcision
referred to the Jews back then who circumcised according to the instruction
given to Abraham.(Genesis
later included in the old covenant.(what's
the old covenant?), the Mosaic
Law, which all the people had agreed to, but
didn't follow anyhow:.Exodus
12:44; Leviticus 12:3; John
The Jews,
even today, have always been very exact in observing this particular ceremony
and so where the ancient Israelites
for some time:.Joshua
Comprised with.Clarke's
Commentary: All
the descendants of Abraham
observed circumcision long before their ancestors had sojourned
in Egypt. Herodotus
says."The Colchians,
Egyptians and Ethiopians are the only nations in the world who have used
circumcision. Along with the Phoenicians
and Syrians
who inhabited Palestine,
they acknowledged they received this from the Egyptians."
Circumcision was to be a
sign to set them apart from nations way back then who knew not the things
that were of Creator-God.
Abraham was instructed to
use circumcision as a sign of his agreement with God. He and all the males
of his house were circumcised, including his son Ishmael.
Abraham was at ninety-nine years of age when circumcised:.Genesis
About circumcision. In New
Zealand, routine circumcision was given up 40 years ago and NZ children
are healthier than U.S. children today. In Australia the same is true.
Many European and Australian doctors think that Americans are a bit backwards
when it comes to chopping the foreskins of perfectly healthy babies'
genitals. According to most doctors of the world, it's a bad idea."After
reviewing the currently available evidence, the RACP believes that the
frequency of diseases modifiable by circumcision, the level of protection
offered by circumcision and the complication rates of circumcision do not
warrant routine infant circumcision in Australia and New Zealand."....The
Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2010.
In the 1960's, doctors in
New Zealand ended the practice by not bringing it up to parents and if
anyone asked about it, they said that it was an obsolete procedure that
came from England. That was usually enough to dissuade them.
"Circumcision of newborns
should not be routinely performed."....The
Canadian Paediatric Society, 1996.
"There is no convincing evidence
that circumcision is useful or necessary in terms of prevention or hygiene...
circumcision entails the risk of medical and psychological complications...
Non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors conflicts with the child's
right to autonomy and physical integrity."....The
Royal Dutch Medical Association, 2010.
Doctor's have said they use
a clamp so as not to "hurt the baby's penis". If you've ever watched a
circumcision procedure, you'll know comments such as these are erroneous.
Circumcision had become became
a rite in the
Mosaic Law in that all males who would take part in the Passover
needed to be circumcised. In Emmanuel's time the Jews were still doing
7:22. This rite was to be performed on children on the eighth day after
their birth:.Exodus
12:44; Leviticus 12:3.
Even while the ancient Israelites
were in Egypt.(*).and
even after leaving Egypt and crossing over the Jordan river.(*),
they were circumcising.
All the other nations which
sprung from Abraham, the Hebrews, the Ishmaelites, the Arabians, etc.,
also retained the practice of circumcision.
Circumcision became a part
of the law of Moses, which law was done
away in its entirety
once Christ came on the scene, but the law was extant
until such time:.John
7:23 "If a man on the sabbath
day receive circumcision, that the law of
Moses should not be broken..."
Now it's:.1Corinthians
7:19 "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing..."
As the Creator chose a nation
back then to be His people, so it is today, only now it's a spiritual nation.(1Peter
2:9; Romans 8:9; 7:14;
to everyone who lives.
Circumcision became a synonym
for the ancient nation of the
twelve tribes, collectively called Israel.
Those of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin then within this nation of Israel,
off, becoming their own nation, called Judah. Those of this new nation
were called Jews.
The Jews were spoken of as
'the circumcised' and the heathen.(the
of as 'the uncircumcised':.Judges
Ezekiel 31:18; Acts
Paul talked a lot about this
2:11; 3:11; Philippians
3:3; Galatians 5:6.
In Galatians
6:15 Paul says that what is really important is that you become a new
creature in Christ, moving away from the base things of religion:.Hebrews
5:13-6:2. A new creature in Christ means one now thinks in the high
consciousness that God is, effectively making him or her equal
with God in status
and growing spiritually in expression of the fulnessof
1:16; Ephesians 4:13),
even though he or she may be far from perfect, as
was the apostle Paul. How can this be?.Romans
4:17. It's like your son or daughter is an equal member in your family
while growing to full adulthood, as long as they grow in and remain in
alignment with what is best for the whole family.
Circumcision is a thing of
soul, the spirit, the heart:.Romans
2:29. Today, it being a spiritual thing, it refers to those having
cut themselves off from the low consciousness way of living, in favor of
them having selected to now live in high consciousness. The antitype
of this was the ancient
practice of physical circumcision.
Paul says the uncircumcised,
which were the not circumcised Gentiles,
that is, not of the physical nation of Israel
or Judah, are justified
by faith.(by
their belief in Christ):.Romans
3:30; 2:26. Uncircumcision is
As a rite
of the church, circumcision ceased when New
Testament times began:.Acts
21:21; Galatians 6:15; Colossians
Some Jewish Christians sought
to impose it however on the Gentile converts.(Acts
15:1), but this the apostles resolutely
Circumcision came before
and later had to do with, the Old Testament Mosaic
7:22,23; Acts 7:8. Also see:.1Corinthians
7:19; Romans 2:28,29.
Paul says that once you are
a believer in Christ, there is no profit to you now, as a Christian and
a son of God, in wanting to be circumcised to comply
with now done away Old Testament legal practices, because someone made
you think this is a requirement to be in the God
5:2 "Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if you be circumcised, Christ
shall profit you nothing.".There
is no profit from Christ if one wants now to be circumcised. It would then
be part of getting back under the law Christ abolished.
We now, through being Christ's
workmanship, are coming into a full realization of just what the righteousness
by faith means:.Galatians
5:5 "For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.".A
much better translation would have been here:.Galatians
-Does the Bible talk about
going into a trance?
If you are hot
for the things of the Creator like compassion
and loving others, the seed is received into good
ground. That is because, if His nature of love and kindness is active in
you, you have 'good ground' and that produces stability in life:.John
17:23,26; 2Corinthians 13:5;
3:16; Luke 8:15; Colossians
1:23; 1) 2)
-What does."conversion".mean?.Acts
It means to 'turn to'. To
turn to what? And how?
And how easy is it?
And to turn from what?
Once converted, everything
around you 'looks different'; that is, things
that you saw as 'against you', making it difficult for you, are now for
you. Once awakened, you no longer
are so subject to influence of the
dark side:.John
The steady stream of trials,
the fire continues, so that the old you is throughly consumed. And so the
rest of your life here begins towards your reward.
is the difference, if any, between the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit?
-Is it true that what we
wish for one individual, affects all?
Yes, on an individual basis.
That is, if you go about your daily life always showing love, with
all that means, then those you may meet are affected by your good heartedness
their souls. You may never see this affect them, but the seed has been
planted in their soul. It may take months or years for it to come to fruition,
but it does. Just like seeds planted in the ground, they take longer and
have a more difficult time sprounting if they lack water and nutrition
and especially so if the ground is hard. You can 'water' any seeds you
may have planted with occasional
good thoughts toward them.
On the 'cosmic' realm a good
hearted act toward a particular individual may not be.immediately.affected,
because it takes
time for the good you sent out to someone by prayers/praise and kind
thoughts, to affect them for good and in turn, for
them to do likewise,
depending on what timeline
they may be on.
The collective
consciousness, out of which those of ordinary
consciousness can negatively
be affected, is changing, as there are many now of good hearts who meditate
and meditation has been proven
to change things for the better. The more there are the greater changes
we will see in the world. Why?
Your good heartfelt thoughts and works for others will
awaken them to the reality they didn't know they had.
This is the ripple effect
this infinite psychic sea of which we and all things are in. Kind acts
have a positive effect on outcomes. This is because negatives within the
mind have to be left behind and it takes
God working with a person for this positive effect to become true for
I know some eastern religion
writings are otherwise. I studied them during one 9 year period, but there
are many in all eastern religions and even all religions everywhere, who
are true believers. One was Deepak
Chopra. Another, Sadhu
Sundar Singh. Another, Maharesi
Mahesh Yoga. Another is Gandi.
Another, Roy Eugene Davis. Another,
John Hagelin. Another, Nassim
Haramein. Another,
And of course there are many, many more.