can I circumvent homosexual tendencies from developing in my child?
-I am a believer in Emmanuel
Christ. My husband and grown children are not. My grown children and their
friends think I'm nuts! What
is their position with God?
-I belong to a large established
church which emphasizes the closeness of family life, yet my children have
become wayward even after many years of teaching them in the ways the church
has focused on. I and my husband, before our divorce, have spent time almost
every day going over Bible stories as produced in books the church
provides and also teaching them out of the church's adult books other principles
for conduct in life and closeness to God. Question is why has none of it
seemed to work?
it the food, the environment, the lack of parental influence and crime?
Is it contributed to by the "day care generation"?
it necessary to circumcise my male children in order for them to be the
Creator's people and be saved?
-My children are always dealing
with problems, both of their own making and those ones that seem to always
come to them. What
can I do to help them?
-We have a hyperactive
child diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
and have been told that this is why he is not learning at the pace of others
in his class.
much more then those who aren't our enemies?
the poor?
-Whose lives are
we now helping to deliver from heartache?
-How many have even
bothered to find out how their very own spiritual brothers and sisters
in Christ are doing?
-Are we attempting
to preserve anyone?
-Have we saved
anyone from any of their problems yet, or just dumped them into God's
-Is Christ, what He did for
us and what is offered to us, worth
things really changed since the Tower of Babel?
-How many Christians even
know what
the word guile means? When
have you ever heard a preacher talk about guile, or even deceit for that
-Would they be ashamed
to be involved with someone below their lifestyle?
-And what
did Paul have to say?
this be said of each of us individually?
-What lawlessness? What
laws are we then breaking?
-But if
your works don't directly help those in need in this world and your
brothers and sisters in Christ.....?
are they hearing from the pulpit which make many complacent?
one must take action upon what he learns, otherwise of what value to
anyone is it?
you know what spirit (attitude) you are of?
smoking, drinking, swearing and the like by others bother you?
about being bothered enough to alleviate the suffering of those in
need, whether or not these things are mixed in?
Emmanuel really want us to sell all we have, give it to the poor and have
nothing, as He said in Luke 12:33?
is it so many are so discontent; discontent with partners, discontent with
decisions, discontent with so many things?
do we fulfill the law and what law?
are you, nuts; selling your big expensive house and car, so that you're
better able to help another?
then do some few still feel that they have to present to God their
own obedience? Are they self
one's faith fail?
we are to pray for our enemies, how much more then our brethren and those
we may know of who have needs?
can I help someone who has mental illness?
are "the brethren"?
are all the children and adults rescued from the DUMBS and tunnels?
Crib death (SIDS)
-Is there anything that can
be done to help prevent it? Yes! Search the subject on the Internet with
a search engine.
the Jews responsible for crucifying Emmanuel?
reasoning was used to justify the illegal crucifixion of Emmanuel?
did God the Father or Emmanuel himself, allow such a severe mocking and
scourging upon him?