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A loving heart leaves off undue concerns regarding judging whether another may be right or wrong, as it is concerned with showing love:.Romans 13:10

Here they were catering to the wealthy.(let's go out for dinner and have a good time):.Luke 14:12-14) and avoiding works of love.(mercy).toward the poorer brethren, verse 13; and again, James 3:9-12

The works James is talking about in chapter 2 are the works of belief:.James 2:23,24,25. Some were acting as though the rich in the congregation were their only brethren. 

James is saying that if you believe that all are God's people, you should be acting not as you are, with respect of persons. 

Many give gifts to those they love and receive them in return. That's great! But remember to love the poor and love your enemies. 

When into law, we too have much to judge and accuse others and ourselves of. Satan was the accuser:.Revelation 12:9,10. Religious and self imposed laws.(necessary for hearts without love).are the opening for Satan to bring into minds that which we can accuse others of.

We leave God out of our giving by imposing prerequisites upon it. "What is he going to do with the money? I'm not giving it if..."; and the classic "We have to tithe if we want to be blessed by God." We have no trust that God goes with the gift in faith and instead require proof of performance. We give because we are of God and not because we require qualification of need or expect reward for our actions of giving. There's a difference between giving from the heart and giving from the wallet. 

Being into law.(Old Testament law).is wanting God to notice what is felt to be required obedience and allows the seeing of when one is out of sync. Others can now judge you. You can now judge you, and all according to this set of standards. Where is love in all this? It's just all rules and regulations for control. With love, rules and regulations are not necessary:.Romans 13:10. With rules and regulations, when we break them we no doubt feel as Adam did, 'let's get away from God', we did something wrong:.Genesis 3:8

Being in Christ is knowing that Christ's obedience is accepted by God on your behalf. Figuring that you need to keep anything inferior to Christ.(such as the commandments, tithing, etc.).to be pleasing God, discounts the obedience that Emmanuel achieved and gave to us as a gift:.Romans 5:17. He now appears in the presence of God for us:.Hebrews 9:24; 1Timothy 2:5.

Why then do some few still feel that they have to present to God their own obedience? Are they self-righteous

It takes higher consciousness to gain lasting rewards: Matthew 6:33. But some prefer excuses which obviate those rewards. 

Even our own obedience, our own righteousness, as is attempted to be achieved by commandment keeping we think needed to be right with God, can itself be an idol.

All this obedience for profit comes from the ego level and is not at all a part of higher consciousness. And such is the way of the world.

Idols are things you bond with or the things already bonded to you from childhood and from later, perhaps traumatic experiences that may not in some ways be motivating toward your best interests. We need to clear the dark side of our presence here, much of it causing us confusion.

PTSD.(Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome).persists for individuals having gone through severe negative experiences, such as soldiers have experienced in wars and in the cleanup of the DUMBS and tunnels.

David Lester Straight talks with these soldiers and in about twenty minutes they are ok. How is that? David explains the cause and solution in his Utah seminar part 2, at 17:44 in https://rumble.com/v10s5pb-david-straight-utah-seminar-part-2-of-5-discern-for-yourselves.html). The thoughts of these experiences are etched into them. David shows them why this is so and how to feed the light in them.

Idols in our lives are due to.Self-Ish-Ness, prior programming.(the circumstances and concepts that have made us what it is that we are and think today), the things primarily to do with the self, the aberrant working of a mind 'off the mark'.(original meaning for word translated 'sin').of the high calling to brilliance of light in God. 

Our lives, our getting of this or that, our future, our problems, etc.; the all consuming, to the exclusion of concern for others, exercise of self, builds up to a big waste of time and eventually, a letdown:.Matthew 7:22,23. You just must learn.how.to get what you want without any downside. It's there. You just have to learn it. It's more that worth it to you, so learn it.

No, we're not talking about not improving the self, not getting good food for yourself, wearing nice clothes or having a decent car and home, but like in the Old Testament where they sacrificed.(slaughtered, killed).a living animal to ensure that they were always ok, we too, in this New Testament age, sacrifice the welfare of others.(1Thessalonians 4:6.{note that the word 'defraud' here means in the original Greek 'eager to have more than', 'to have a greater share than', 'to surpass', 'to excel', 'to gain over', 'to possess the advantage over'}).dastardly.justifying.overt inaction, so others are not cared for and prayed for. Many people prefer their selfish ways, hardly the attitude of a servant that Emmanuel talked of in Luke 22:26,27 and Paul talked of too:.1Corinthians 10:11; Philippians 2:17; Ephesians 6:6,7; Romans 12:1,2. Such are they that lack spiritual foresight.

Such are they who put themselves in a prison of selfishness, keeping themselves from the wonderful life available to them, if they only knew how. What would unlock the door and let them out of this prison is learning. Learning what?

Idols are also the reason many seem to be in a syndrome, such as one woman, married three times to the same type of guy, such as alcoholic abusers, those fringy types in life she was somehow attracted to. Why did she keep attracting these same types into her life?

Traumatic experiences earlier in life make severe impressions upon emotions. If you have to deal with trauma you are dealing with the past. Much better it is to leave a negative past lie dead than to keep it alive. Living in the present leaves no room for a negative past. Your thoughts are the time machine taking you to where your focus is upon. These held onto ways that have so far got us to where we are in life can be hard to give up. We still may have anger. We still may have hates, resentments, jealousies. We still may feel that to get ahead, we must put down others. And so on. They are a part of us. 

Idols can be the manipulative things we use that we believe will allow us to progress, that enable us to appear better than another. The ego always wants to be the greatest:.Isaiah 66:2.

Breaking these confidences is important. Keeping our mind on the principles of God that enable us to be free.(free of all the worldly things that work hurts for us and others).is the way. Asking generally for blessings for yourself, and/or others, may just amplify what a person deeply believes he deserves, and that may be more negative experiences in his/her life. Better to pray that God will guide them, give them wisdom to draw close to Him, that God would encourage and protect and financially prosper them, than just ask God to just "bless" them.

We are now dead in Christ.(Colossians 3:3).and need to think "from the heavenlies" where He now is:.Ephesians 2:6

Notice in the following scripture, that idols are a stumbling block to the freedom that comes with a relationship with God.

"If you have a job without aggravations (things that bother you), you do not
have a job."....Malcolm S. Forbes, 1917-1990, American Publisher