continued from...
...In 2Thessalonians
even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not
work, neither should he eat.").the
word 'work' means 'effort in some direction'. It is also translated
as 'minister', 'wrought.(past
tense of 'work'), 'traded', etc.
It means one engaged in something that provides value to others.
The verse means you should
not support one whom you know for
sure is a lazy no good bum who does not want to work, who
is not engaged in something meaningful for himself and others.
A no good lazy bum is not
one not currently having gainful.employment,
that is, not one who does not have an income. Volunteers come into this
as does Bruno Gröning, who
was penniless, yet healed so many of their illnesses and still does today
from beyond. It does not mean that you do not give to a 'down and outer'
whose background you do not know. Use some intuition.
He or she may sincerely and
greatly appreciate help and even be in need of it. But if you see the same
guy day after day for a few months and he is still in need, yet obviously
mentally and/or physically capable of work, but seems to want to continually
do nothing, then why support him?
In the verse here, Paul was
those who stopped working and were just waiting for what they thought would
be Christ's imminent return; like 'let's all keep each other going till
He comes back', perhaps with in mind somewhat like occurred upon the first
of Pentecost:.Acts
2:44-47 "And all that believed were together and had all things common;
And sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men, as every
man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple
and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness
and singleness of heart, Praising God and having favour with all the people.
And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."
Be circumspect
when someone asks you for money. Learn about
intuition. What is your first reaction when someone needs or wants
something from you? Are you aware enough of high consciousness ways to
sense if your first reaction is coming from there or from the selfish ego?
Here's where insight
into the person wanting something from you comes into play:.Matthew
7:6 "...don't cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them
under their feet and turn again and rend you.".Some
will think you're a sucker for responding to them; a wimp and have no sense
of appreciation
for your help and would just as much rob you of anything else you may have.
Always be in the high consciousness realm, wherein is protection.
example of one who listened to his selfish side.
On one hand here Paul was
fed up with the stubbornness of some he had dealings with back then and
saw fit to comment thusly:.2Timothy